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Closing the DOS window within my VB code...

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Apr 13, 2003
hi all,

I am using my vb code to run a DOS window. The code is running ok and finishes. but the problem is that the screen still remains on.

My questions:

1- can i run the code without opening the DOS window? would be great!!!

2- otherwise how can close the window that is opened?


You could run a batch file instead of a dos session or you could do a "sendkeys" and issue the exit command to the dos window
Can't one change the properties of the (admittedly hypothetical) shortcut so that window closes on program close?

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Hi Tom,

yes that is what i did. But still the window doesnt close.

Let is say:


@echo off
echo "hellow world"

If i run this bat file it runs the window and automatically closes. BUT IF I RUN THE SAME BATCH FROM MY VB CODE IT DOESN'T CLOSE!!

I don't know why?


can you be more clear please? ;-)

Are you using Shell? Use the c switch. To copy a bmp to the D Drive for example. This is on my machine using XP. FOr Win 9x use command.com I think.

Shell "cmd /c copy C:\windows\clouds.bmp D:\"

Will close the window after it has finished.

Better if you use command.com as Mosaic1 also indicated as it works with both Win98 and WinXP.
Shell "command.com /c copy C:\windows\clouds.bmp D:\"
You could also add vbHide to not show the window at all. i.e.

Dim a
a = Shell("command.com /c copy C:\windows\clouds.bmp D:\", vbHide)

Very nice ca8msm!!!

That was initially my question!!

you deserve more stars (********************) ;-)


The reason to use the /c switch is this. You want to clean up after your program. Use vbhide and then have a look at task manager. You'll see cmd.exe is still running.

It's easy enough to find out if NT or 9x and use the correct file.

Like this:
If Right(OS, 2) = "NT" Then
use cmd
Else use command.com
End if
But you can use vbhide along with the /c switch.
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