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Search results for query: *

  1. OLVtelephoneman

    Polarity reversal on line

    We have a Partner system, but this question is about a fax line that bypasses the switch and is directly connected. When wired "correctly", i.e., a circuit test unit says the line is OK, phones and fax do not work right. But when reverse wired, i.e., circuit testers says line's polarity is...
  2. OLVtelephoneman

    Telephone line tracer needed

    I work on a Partner system whose wiring is old and has several generations of wires. Old ones were left in place when disconnected, labeling is poor or nonexistent, so it is a jumble. I need a tracer so that I can trace wires from jacks back to the switch. Can anyone recommend a good tool for...
  3. OLVtelephoneman

    Problem with slow screen response to typing URLs

    I have an odd problem with Internet Explorer in Vista. It loads pages fine and they load quickly. But if I type in a new URL, or press the Page or Tools buttons, things are very slooow---a noticeable delay of a second or two between the typing of a character and its appearance on the screen...
  4. OLVtelephoneman

    Problem using PC Administration software with Vista

    Update on this issue: Avaya doesn't seem to have any fix yet, but the problem has been tracked to the file system used by Vista. Apparently when the PC Administration program tries to read (write is OK) a translation file, something gets corrupted. The immediate workaround is therefore simple...
  5. OLVtelephoneman

    Problem using PC Administration software with Vista

    Has anyone tried to use the Avaya PC Administration software under Vista? I installed a recent version of the software on a new computer, and was able to connect to the Partner switch by dialup without any problem. I could also download translation data (.xmg). But when the PC Administration...
  6. OLVtelephoneman

    Fax detection on overdrive

    We have an ACS 6 system with Partner Messaging v. 7. A fax machine is on extension 33, and Auto Attendant 3 handles it, switching calls on incoming line 6 to extension 33 when they are fax calls. That works fine. Somehow though line 5 apparently thinks it is in Hunt Group 8 (the fax CNG...
  7. OLVtelephoneman

    Extension 10 voice mail stopped working

    We have AC6/Partner Messaging. All of a sudden voice mail for ext. 10 only has stopped working--attempts to leave a message for or transfer to that extension from the auto attendant just send the call into never-never land. No messages are recorded, and the person's greeting is never heard. I...
  8. OLVtelephoneman

    Offline programming of Partner Remote Access Card

    Does the Partner Remote Access Card actually store the .xmg file used to edit switch settings? If so, can a new card be programmed offline (e.g., by plugging it into a laptop), so that it is ready in the event of a crash?
  9. OLVtelephoneman

    VMS transfer not working with call forwarding active

    I have an extension programmed with a call forward button. When pressed, the button forwards calls to the user's cell phone, outside the Partner switch. That's working fine. The problem I'm having is that when someone at another extension tries to forward a call to the user's voice mail...
  10. OLVtelephoneman

    Can two Partner phones be plugged into the same jack?

    OK. Maybe I can accomplish something similar with forwarding. I can program a forward button on each phone. But what would happen if ext. 15 is forwarded to ext. 20, and ext. 20 is forwarded to ext. 15? Does forwarding stop after one forward and go to voice mail? Thanks!
  11. OLVtelephoneman

    Can two Partner phones be plugged into the same jack?

    I would like to have two Partner phones in two different locations function logically as one. That is, I would like to be able to answer either phone, have both phones ring when the extension is dialed, etc. Can I just put an ordinary splitter on the line coming out of the Partner switch and...
  12. OLVtelephoneman

    Any issues in replacing ACS R6 card with ACS R7?

    We're looking to get a backup card processor card for our system. We currently have an ACS R6. We have the opportunity to get an ACS 7 card. Can this card be plugged in to replace the ACS R6? Will there be any issues? Can our current settings be transferred, i.e., does the PCMCIA card work...
  13. OLVtelephoneman

    Can speed dial numbers be programmed locally?

    The ACS v3 manual seems to indicate that personal speed dial numbers can only be programmed at ext 10 or 11. Has this been changed? Can individual users program them at their own extensions? Same question for the call forwarding button. Thanks!
  14. OLVtelephoneman

    Connect locally with ACS using computer & modem

    I hate to ask this question, but I seem to have lost the documentation where it is answered. How do you connect locally to an ACS system using a computer and modem (as opposed to dialing in remotely)? I've done this before but can't remember the steps. Thanks!
  15. OLVtelephoneman

    Can outside numbers be dialed through submenu?

    I have Partner Messaging 7, ACS 6. I can't find a reference to remote call forwarding in the Partner Messaging 7 Quick Ref manual. Do you have a reference to it? I know that individual extensions can have remote call forwarding, but I don't see how to do it with the announcements and submenus.
  16. OLVtelephoneman

    Can outside numbers be dialed through submenu?

    I would like to program the following: someone calls in and the automated attendant answers. The message says "...if this is an emergency please press 5". If the caller presses 5 the system dials an outside cell phone number (10 digit) and the caller connects to that person. Can this be done...
  17. OLVtelephoneman

    Power consumption of Partner system

    Has anyone measured the power consumption of a Partner system with 5 or so cards, one of which is Partner Messaging? We'd like to get a UPS, and I was wondering what size we need. Thanks!
  18. OLVtelephoneman

    Autoattendant won't follow schedule

    Thanks for this suggestion but I don't think that this is the problem because the day and night schedules call for the autoattendant to answer after a different number of rings.
  19. OLVtelephoneman

    Autoattendant won't follow schedule

    I have a Partner Messaging system R7 set up with three autoattendants. Two of them are working OK but the first won't switch according to the schedule, as it is supposed to do and as it did do until I made a few modifications to the Partner ACS translation. It is set to switch by business...
  20. OLVtelephoneman

    Can others be prevented from listening to a call?

    On our Partner ACS 6 system, there are 6 incoming lines. If someone is talking on one of these lines, is there any way to prevent others from listening to the conversation by just pressing the active line button and picking up the handset?

Part and Inventory Search
