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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  • Users: Eek
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  1. Eek

    What's the proper way to connect to a database

    I've seen at least 5 differents set of code to connetc to an Access Database....Is the code below OK..someone in a previous post told me to remove the section in BOLD becuase it was not necessary... Dim adoCon 'Holds the Database Connection Object Dim rsGuestbook 'Holds the recordset...
  2. Eek

    Script time out.....but why ???

    How come I always get a server script time out with the following code ? My Access database has only 10 records ? <!--#include file="../../MyIncludes/Top_Survey.inc" --> <% if Session("LoggedIn") = "" then Response.redirect "login.asp" end if %> <% 'Dimension variables Dim adoCon 'Holds...
  3. Eek

    Replace the submit button by an image

    How can I make an image act as a submit button in a ASP page.
  4. Eek

    An easy ASP database question...

    oh yeah I forgot.... the above is a Cut & PAste of an ASP that connects to an Access DB to get the COMMENTS record
  5. Eek

    Getting an error when a textbox is left empty

    Here's a script that will check the null value of your input boxes...just cut and paste the code ( remove the cut below & cut above ) and change the NAME of your input box to the name of the each input box in your form. Put this scripts in the <HEAD> </HEAD> html tags <SCRIPT...
  6. Eek

    An easy ASP database question...

    Here's something that should be easy to answer. Here's a loop that will print ALL the 'comments' records.....how can I only print the last record ? And if possible how can I only print the last 2 records ? Do While not rsGuestbook.EOF Response.Write (rsGuestbook("Comments")) Loop
  7. Eek

    Using ASP to format text?

    I'd like to create a custom WYSIWYG editor, does ASP have an object or a function to edit the text in an input box or Textarea ?
  8. Eek

    size of an image

    How can I edit this function : frames.message.document.execCommand('InsertImage', false, imagePath) so that I can control the image size
  9. Eek

    Get IP and hostname

    I'm able to get the user's IP address but how can I get the HostName ? Example : IP : Host name : 151gf-121.254-hst.videotron.ca
  10. Eek

    ASP and an Access database

    Thanks ! How many Characters can be stored in a memo data type record ?
  11. Eek

    Get Hostname

    I'm able to get the user's IP address but how can I get the HostName ? Example : IP : Host name : 151gf-121.254-hst.videotron.ca
  12. Eek

    HELP!!...Can't Get Cookies to Work

    First, don't write a cookie that will expire in 2100....if the user likes your site he WILL come back way before 2100... Try amending the code of your second page to : <% Response.Buffer = True If Request.Cookies("SiteCode")("SiteCode") <> "" Then...
  13. Eek

    How to get values from a access database?

    Check out : http://www.webwizguide.com/asp/tutorials/connecting_to_a_database.asp a simple tutorial for ASP and database
  14. Eek

    ASP and an Access database

    I need to store the value of an INPUT box that might have more than 255 characters into an Access database accessed from my ASP page. I read somewhere that the maximum characters that can be store in a single recordis 255 ...I even got error messages when trying to store a value of more than 90...
  15. Eek

    Get the user's IP & Name Address

    this ASP example uses Windows Script and I don't hink it's installed on the server hosting my page because I get an error message. Does someone have any other idea how this can be done ?
  16. Eek

    Get the user's IP & Name Address

    First :What's the difference between Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") AND Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_HOST") They both seem to return the IP of the user connecting to the site. Second : How do I get the Name Address ( example : modemcable215.51-242-08.mc.videotron.ca ). There's a...
  17. Eek

    Access database security

    how can I tell if an area or folder on my server is web accessible or not ?
  18. Eek

    Access database security

    A question from a newbie. I've heard that if someone finds the path to my .mdb Access database they could simply download the file and read the content. I tried it and it did work! I could password protect it but we all know how much ''protection'' that will give me. What options do I have...
  19. Eek

    .ASP and .ASPX

    What's the difference between .ASP and .ASPX pages ?
  20. Eek

    A newbie's question about database

    I'm learning ASP and would like to link my ASP pages to a database...I need something VERY simple just to store the weekly sales of my employees ( 5 employees)....Should I go MySQL, SQL, Access, other ??? Which one is the easiest to learn ?

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