I have a MICS that I set up years ago. The customer use to be able to dial into the system on a specific trunk (062) and make outbound calls. I cannot for the life of me remember how I set this up however I do remember I set it up so the caller did not have to enter a COS password.
I think...
Hello all,
I am a nortel tech with limited IPO exposure. Replacing a bcm400. Re-using 1140 ip sets, a handful of m and t series Norstar and Norstar digital mobility 320 with a handful of wireless sets. Customer has static ip LAN. If I reuse the old assigned ip addresses for the IPO will the...
I understand what you are saying but the fact that the start of a call is a record (say record 01) and when the user hangs up there is another record (say record 15) there are records between these in the print out. I am dumping the records to a third party for call accounting so they need the...
Hello to all!
I have an Opt 11 with CDR turned on. the problem is when a call is originated I get the record but when the same call terminates, I get another record. Can the format be changed so the entire call from start to finish generates only one report? I have Account codes in the record...
There is no console. the nurse call console is in the nurse call system. i think what may be happening is by the time the calls are routed through the nurse call the M1 sees it as unanswered and routes it to the att dn.
any other ideas? i was thinking about setting up auto in the trunks but...
hello all
i have an 11c. I have a route (COT) receiving DT from a nurse call system. when they press the button it dials the trunk access code and an extension. it rings a nurse call console and SL wireless phone. the problem I am having is calls are also ringing at the front desk (no...
thank you!....the route was denied in ld 93.....sweet!
thank you all for the feedback. I have never worked with tenant service before. I thought that was it but the push from GH set the lightbulb off.
I think you may have the answer. I have the cls on the ext to unr and the trk route is in and out (IAO) but I didn't think about ld 93 and the MANO in the route. I'll check that out.....thanks!
the trunks are loop so I am good on that and the tgar too I believe. I am going to...
The route, trunk members and extensions were built in customer 1. i get a fast busy. the trace sees the trunk not being accessed. the acod is dialed and immediate fast busy returned. trying from a digital set I get release and try again on the display.
the fact that I can access another...
in the route tgar is blank. at the ext the targ is 0. the route I can dial is the same. i thought it could be I used a 4 digit ACOD in the new route but I actually took the ACOD from the route that worked and used it on the non-working route with no luck.
I am stuck for now
Any feedback?
Opt 11 rel 23+. I built a route and 2 cot members to connect to an ASCOM wireless system. I cannot access the route? I compared the route and trunks in the route to a route I can dial out on and I cannot see any difference. the weird thing on this switch is the customer is not...
hello again,
following up on the clid issue
the following things have occurred:
I checked the cdb and confirmed that I did modify ac2 in ld 15 for
ac2 intl npa spn nxx
The dch is set up as NI2. I had the SP change it to DMS 100. when we changed it I could not dial out at all. it was late...
thanks for the compliment John. I left that company 6 years ago and started my on thing. i still have a good relationship with what is left of the real telephone folks there. so you are thinking since I built ac2 and moved the access code from ac1 (9) to ac2 I should rebuild ac1? I can do...
it is a pri to the pstn. but as i stated earlier the only way I could get the calls to process was to change the dmi ctyp to ukwn. here is the stuff
this is local
EM AVAIL: (U/P): 573934 USED U P: 543545 62168 TOT: 1179647
REQ prt
FEAT net
TRAN ac2
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