Thanks. One downside we found is that encrypted data isn't compressed and we needed four more tapes (lto2) than an unencrypted backup. We use 12, it looks like for encryption other than at the agent you have to buy the Enterprise module which appears to be a little more than $3000.
We were told to make sure our backups were encrypted. We have added a session password and turned encryption on at the agent level. Does that mean the data that is written to tape is encrypted? Seems too easy if true.
It went fine, upgraded everything in place (no prior uninstall by me needed). It uses the SQL as the database now and the conversion of all the data took a while. we had been using the internal arcserve database. It looks a bit different and I am still getting used to that.
We are on build 4406. So there are patches out there for you. Whether they fix your issue, who knows.
One quirk is to make sure you change the run dates of held jobs before restarting engines or changing jobs to ready. Backups kicking off in the middle of the day tend not to be good things here.
This may have been addressed, but on my server, occasionally, the sequenced tapes have a different expiration date than the first. Any chance the tapes have expired?
Thanks. It turned out to be an IE7 problem.
An easy fix.
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