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  1. Kozimoto

    Update service account identity with login interactive

    Thanks to both of you. I'll give this a go.
  2. Kozimoto

    Update service account identity with login interactive

    Hi. I am looking for a vbscript that when ran would ask for a domain\loginid as the parameter and update a service to use these credential for starting the the service and grant it log on interactively. Any help would be very much appreciated.
  3. Kozimoto

    Locate, copy and rename files recursively

    Here is the script that finally worked correctly. Must be 3 lines in a .bat file exactly as shown: @echo off for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('dir /b /s "g:\logs\iis\*.log"') do echo f| ( xcopy /d /y "%%A" "\\SERVERNAME\%%~PA%%~NA_%computername%%%~XA" > nul)
  4. Kozimoto

    Locate, copy and rename files recursively

    Thx MM. Recursion works fine using xcopy. But there just doesn't seem to be a way to wind up with the file copied and renamed the way I would like it. Currently: ex090928.log >> copied to another server using the command above and I get ex090928.log_servername What I would like is...
  5. Kozimoto

    Export Security

    Have a look at: http://geekswithblogs.net/bjackett/archive/2009/04/24/the-power-of-powershell-and-sharepoint-enumerating-sharepoint-permissions-and.aspx
  6. Kozimoto

    Problem adding a user in Sharepoint

    I ran into this once and the following command corrected everything: stsadm -o adduser -url http://portalname/sites/sitename -userlogin domain\loginID -useremail janedoe@companyname.com -group "SharePoint Group" -username "Jane K. Doe" Lookup the user info in Outlook to confirm the correct...
  7. Kozimoto

    Locate, copy and rename files recursively

    Hi everyone, I have been using xcopy to copy IIS logs to another server for statistical analysis using xcopy g:\Logs\iis\*.log \\destinationserver\logs\iis\*.log_%computername% /D /Y /S. This basically copies all .log files recursively from each site ID directory to the destination server, and...
  8. Kozimoto

    IIS returns IP address in HTTP header vulnerability

    I do apologize for the incorrect name. Thanks again. I'm sure your post will address the problem for many other's as well who are concerned with their outward facing DMZ servers.
  9. Kozimoto

    IIS returns IP address in HTTP header vulnerability

    Thanks Jeff, I think this is what I'm looking for. Where's my Easy Button?
  10. Kozimoto

    HTTP 401.1 - Unauthorized: Logon Failed

    Here's a great article on the issue you're having. http://blogs.msdn.com/david.wang/archive/2005/07/14/HOWTO_Diagnose_IIS_401_Access_Denied.aspx In the meantime, which version of IIS?
  11. Kozimoto

    Creating a network user to look after worker process and APP Pool

    Try the AuthDiag tool to find out which accounts have permissions on the site. You'll find it at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=E90FE777-4A21-4066-BD22-B931F7572E9A&displaylang=en I don't know which "financial software" you are having trouble with, so I can't provide...
  12. Kozimoto

    IIS returns IP address in HTTP header vulnerability

    Anyone know how to mask (remove) what IIS 6 reveals in the HTTP header response? Our organization would like to mask the following header info (X) returned by our DMZ IIS servers. We are testing MS's fix for the IP vulnerability right now. We chose to go with SetHostName instead of...
  13. Kozimoto

    Creating a network user to look after worker process and APP Pool

    Check into the setspn command... http://technet2.microsoft.com/windowsserver/en/library/579246c8-2e32-4282-bce7-3209d1ea8bf11033.mspx?mfr=true
  14. Kozimoto

    Can we use CSS or anything else to format Virtual Directories?

    If you have directory browsing enable for the new virtual directories, there is no way to change the appearance in the browser via IIS settings. You can, however, use a little code to list the folders and files and attach a CSS file to control the appearance. Check this out...
  15. Kozimoto

    How do I list all objects registered by regsvr32.exe

    You might try this too :) http://blogs.msdn.com/david.wang/archive/2006/03/03/HOWTO-Troubleshoot-HTTP-Error-999.aspx
  16. Kozimoto

    How do I list all objects registered by regsvr32.exe

    Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but this utility will list all registered dll's on the box... http://www.windll.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=8
  17. Kozimoto

    Configuarble Identity and Intergrated Security

    Best practice is to use the Network Service account for the application pool identity. I'm assuming you are trying to assign a domain service account as the identity for the app pool. The following should correct the problem you've described: Open Computer Management on the server running...
  18. Kozimoto

    IIS 6 Cannot see website

    Sounds to me like you don't have the default document specified or activated in IIS. Open IIS manager and go to the properties for the site. Click on the Documents tab and make sure default.htm (the name of your homepage) is in the list. It's very specific too. default.htm is different than...
  19. Kozimoto

    Microsoft Frontpage Problem - $$$

    I'll assume you have FP 2002 extensions installed and no changes have been made to the physical folder permissions (ACL's) where the sites are stored. A couple of things you can check: Open a browser and enter: http://sitename.com/_vti_bin/_vti_adm/fpadmdll.dll?page=webadmin.htm This will...
  20. Kozimoto

    Access denied to Virtual Directories located outside of wwwroot

    That was a pretty long winded post. :) David Wang has an excellent article which outlines how to diagnose 401.X errors located at: http://blogs.msdn.com/david.wang/archive/2005/07/14/HOWTO_Diagnose_IIS_401_Access_Denied.aspx Also, fire-up authdiag.exe located at...

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