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Search results for query: *

  1. Casiopea

    datetime type

    Thank you, you are right.
  2. Casiopea

    Connection through ODBC

    I have deleted the rows in a table, I have inserted them again, I have made commit, and I was very happy to see that it worked, I could see the values. So I decided to do it with other tables, but on the second table I tried it didn't work. I have even dropped this second table, I have inserted...
  3. Casiopea

    Connection through ODBC

    I test the connection through "oracle odbc driver connect" and it says "connection successful". The problem is from access. The user I use to connect it lets me open tables created in other schemas but not the last one I have created. In fact in a few tables when I try to open them, I can see...
  4. Casiopea

    Connection through ODBC

    I have an oracle database and through access I connect to the database usign ODBC, but when I open a linked table from access, I can see no field values and, each field has #¿Name? When I select the odbc connection to select the database and the table, I can see the tables, I can select it, but...
  5. Casiopea

    spaces before a value

    It is solved. I erased the spaces and give format to the field date. I have also turned off the database. Thank you anyway
  6. Casiopea

    spaces before a value

    CREATE TABLE BDAPL.camb_tur ( cp1 NVARCHAR2(4), cp2 NVARCHAR2(4), midate DATE, ftime NVARCHAR2(5), ttime NVARCHAR2(5), obs NVARCHAR2(70), PRIMARY KEY (cp1,cp2,fecha), FOREIGN KEY (cp1) REFERENCES personal (codigo_p), FOREIGN KEY (cp2) REFERENCES personal...
  7. Casiopea

    spaces before a value

    I have a field defined as NVARCHAR2(4). If I insert a row with a four length value in that field it's ok, however if I try to assign a value such as rs.fields("cp1")='R' when it executes rs.update the application hungs up without error. I have noticed that this table has a foreign key with the...
  8. Casiopea

    datetime type

    I have found out the problem. I had the format for the field en visual basic and a trigger in oracle like this: BEGIN IF :NEW.FECHA_U IS NULL THEN :NEW.FECHA_U := NULL; ELSE :NEW.FECHA_U := to_date(:NEW.FECHA_U,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'); END IF; END; if the trigger is active it doesn't...
  9. Casiopea

    ora-00900: invalid SQL statement

    The question is with informix it worked, and now with oracle it doesn't, that would mean that I should change all the application, to use a "select *..." there, where there is a source=<table-name> and I don't understand why because the recordset property it admits table names, so I think the...
  10. Casiopea

    datetime type

    Well, I got to put the datetime into the date field and it doesn't give an error. From Visual basic I assigne: rsoracle.fields("fecha_u")=Format(mydate, "DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS") mydate is "04-06-2009 10:15" (spanish format) then, to check the value in the table, I make a select: select...
  11. Casiopea

    ora-00900: invalid SQL statement

    The code is as follows: conexion_ora=new adodb.connection conexion_ora.Open "Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=BDAPOL;DATABASE = BDAPOL", "bdapolicia", "xxxx" rsoracle.ActiveConnection = conexion_ora rsoracle.CursorType = adOpenKeyset rsoracle.CursorLocation = adUseServer rsoracle.LockType =...
  12. Casiopea

    ora-00900: invalid SQL statement

    I am using visual basic 6 and I want to add rows to a table in oracle. If I use a recordset and assign to the source the name of a table it gives the ora-00900 error, however if I use the sql "select * from tabla1" it doesn't throw the error. The error appears just after rs.open rs as new...
  13. Casiopea

    datetime type

    I am importing from a text file the records for a table and I have problems with the date field. The values are like '04-01-2009 10:28' and the field type on the table is date, although I have tried timestamp or interval day(0) to second(0) and it didn't work. It never works. I am importing the...
  14. Casiopea

    Numeric textbox

    I'm using a textbox to insert the age of a person. Then I have assigned txt.Datafield=age, txt.DataSource=adolevel (adodc control) and the field "age" on the database table has numeric type. The problem exists when the field in the table has already a value and the user erase the value (txtbox...
  15. Casiopea

    length of text on datagrid

    Thank you for that answer, but the problem is the datagrid cell length. That cell shows the content of a field in a recordset. If the user wants to change it, I want to control that the length is not greater than the field size.
  16. Casiopea

    length of text on datagrid

    I don't know how to control the length of the text inside a column. I want to know the length of the text inserted/updated on the cell before updating. If the text is greater than 20 characters I want to warn the user. Right now instead of that, the application send an error (because sometimes...
  17. Casiopea

    Enum constants not found when running projekt

    Check that previous declarations of other variables exist. Por instance, if you have declared variables which belongs to a specific object (ADODB or another one) check that you can choose the type just typing adodb.recordset .new You can also see it trough...
  18. Casiopea

    cancel operation

    'botón de actualización Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click() On Error GoTo UpdateErr Me.MaskEdBox2_Validate (False) Me.validartxt0 If PrimaryCLS.clv_repetida <> Trim(txtFields(0)) And _ Not (PrimaryCLS.exist_key(Trim(txtFields(0)))) Then PrimaryCLS.clv_repeat = txtFields(0)...
  19. Casiopea

    cancel operation

    Hi! I am using classes to work with one database. When I cancel an updating operation, and I try to classrs.movenext it gives me an error "214721842 cancel operation", when I have already classrs.cancelupdate done and it looks like correct. What should I do? Thank you
  20. Casiopea

    library not registered

    I have made an app using MFC, and I use inside a class which heritates from OleDispatchDriver. This class calls to an external application (a parser). When I run the application it works perfectly (on my computer). Then I have created a installer and have include inside the libraries I need (at...

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