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Search results for query: *

  1. Kryzsoccer

    SetWorldTransform and 3d Perspective

    I tried changing that as well as: EnableAutoDepthStencil=0 (and all combinations of the two) but still am having no success. By the way i also changed: d3dpp.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D24X8 for the commented out d3dpp.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D16 but that didnt help either...
  2. Kryzsoccer

    SetWorldTransform and 3d Perspective

    i know i am digging up an old thread here, but i have been using strongm's code as a great starting point for getting into directx for quite a while now. Everything works great on my XP computer, the problem is i keep getting an automation error on my win98 machine. The error occurs at the...
  3. Kryzsoccer

    jmstudio doesnt show video

    something was wrong with the computer i was using, the processor was getting all used up, once i solved that problem everything else worked fine. Thanks to everyone who tried to help!
  4. Kryzsoccer

    jmstudio doesnt show video

    yes the camera has been detected with the JMF registry utility. any other suggestions??
  5. Kryzsoccer

    jmstudio doesnt show video

    I am trying to programm in java on my laptop. my program needs to interact with a webcam. Everything was working fine on my desktop computer(windows XP) but when i tried to get it workiing on my laptop I began having problems. I installed everything(including JMF, J2SE, my webcam) and...
  6. Kryzsoccer


    you wrote "text1 is the textbox", if this is the case then use Text1.text when doing the Vlookup
  7. Kryzsoccer

    Display to user that processing is going on

    after the form2.show add the form2.hide (or unload form2 depending on what you are really trying to do). so the new form1 code would look something like this: Private Sub cmdProcess_click form2.show form2.hide 'or: unload form2 end sub oh, and you can take out the me.hide.
  8. Kryzsoccer

    Display to user that processing is going on

    at the very beggining of the form2 load event add: Form2.Show DoEvents Hope that helps! let me know how it goes.
  9. Kryzsoccer

    Timer? How to set a program to end due to inactivity

    first of all to convert milli-seconds to seconds divide by 1000. Then if u want to convert to minutes divide by 60. Example: interval=60000 so u would do 60000/1000 = 60 seconds, 60/60 = 1 minute. as for the other questions i dont think i can help as much. To close everything, however...
  10. Kryzsoccer

    File Validation Query

    I am suspecting that you have the option: Break on All errors turned on. This means while in debug if there is an error it will break. To fix this problem go to tools -> options -> click the General Tab and make sure break on all errors is not checked. But the solution that vb5prgrmr...
  11. Kryzsoccer

    Check if file open

    I do not know how to check if the file is already open, but you could use error handling to trap the error. Private Sub openfile() On Error GoTo errorhandler 'Code Exit Sub errorhandler: 'If error = file already open then do whatever end sub
  12. Kryzsoccer

    Renaming a folder

    Name works for me without any extra references, are you sure you have a folder at the location your trying to rename? if you dont have a folder at "C:\folder\folder\foldertorename" (the path you are using) tehn Name will return a file not found error (53).
  13. Kryzsoccer

    How can I test for a subscript out of range error?

    If I understand you question correctly then you may want to look into the ubound command and do something like if ubound(MyTempStr)<5 then 'Not a valid line DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT else 'normal value end if
  14. Kryzsoccer

    File Validation Query

    OK so I'm guessing your setup probably looks something like this: Private Sub LoadFile() Open "C:\myfile.txt" For Input As #1 'Code 'Code 'Code Close #1 NoFile: MsgBox "No FileFound" End Sub The problem is Just because you have the "NoFile" label does not mean the code is going to exit the...
  15. Kryzsoccer

    Great Forum

    Definitely a GREAT forum. The experts hear are fantastic and are willing to help anyone with any problem. Thanks a lot everyone!!
  16. Kryzsoccer

    how to create log files

    The txtusername must be outside of the quotation marks if you want to print the value of the variable. Here's an example: Open "C:\login.log" For Append As #1 Print #1, "login succeeded " & txtusername Close #1
  17. Kryzsoccer

    How could I show the 'Yes to all' or 'No to all' button in message box

    you can always just make your own message box from scratch and add your own buttons that say what ever you want...
  18. Kryzsoccer

    3D Collision Detection????

    OK, that sounds good. For now at least a bounding box wouuld work Great. It seems so simple now, but before your post i just couldnt get my head around it... Thanks a lot!
  19. Kryzsoccer

    3D Collision Detection????

    No ideas anyone?!? Does somebody have a suggestion about the theorey behind 3d collision detection (it doesn't have to be code)? Right now my only thought is to use the equation for planes and find where (or if) they intersect, but it seems there must be a better way... Anything to get me...
  20. Kryzsoccer

    3D Collision Detection????

    Thanks for the fast reply, but my game is in 3D. I did a search in this forum but only came up with ways to do it in 2D. Is there any good way to use any of these ideas in 3D. Thanks a lot!

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