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Search results for query: *

  1. sstilton

    removing a file from Unix

    Tom try this #rm -f "filename" f = force you can also do a man on rm and read the different options available to you.
  2. sstilton

    Enable remote jobs for a spool from the command line.

    Does anyone know the argument to /usr/lib/lpadmin that will enable the spooler to accept remote jobs???? #enable "spoolname" Does not enable remote jobs by default. Thanks in advance. Sam Tilton
  3. sstilton

    Solaris Admin transition to Linux

    I agree with fluidII Making the transistion should be smooth and not to complex. I dont' run any Linux server OS's with a GUI. All text...easier to manage and administor.
  4. sstilton

    modem setup/config for dialin

    Try this form. Setting up PPP on Linux Summary: This document will show how to set up a dial in connection using PPP. Steps to resolve: · Install latest PPP rpm. · Install libgr-progs rpm. · Install latest mgetty rpm. Server Setup: · Step 1: add the following lines to the bottom of...
  5. sstilton

    looking to ftp multiple files

    for your problem of transfering all your files.. ftp -i /directory/* you can also add an alias for "ftp" in /etc/bashrc alias ftp='ftp -i' put the above line at the bottom of the /etc/bashrc file this will enable ftp to use interactive mode every time you use the...
  6. sstilton

    can't use useradd at terminal

    You need to edit /etc/profile for that user... you can specify the PATH where commands are executed...see file example below. To execute the command you will need to know where the command is located... /usr/sbin/ You can type the fullname of the command and not worry about editing the...
  7. sstilton

    What's the simplest way to have a cronjob of ftp a file?

    Feroz....is correct...I would also add that you might want to transfer your files in binary. Instead of ascii to do this simply put "bi" where ascii is in his outline.
  8. sstilton

    erase program (RPM Package) from RH9

    If you are not sure the package is installed do the following rpm -qa | less you will than have a list of all packages installed. As far as looking for the other package.. I am not sure. good luck.
  9. sstilton

    getting computer online

    Double check the following files /etc/sysconfig/network It should look something like this: NETWORKING=yes HOSTNAME=linux119 GATEWAY= Also check /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static BROADCAST= IPADDR= NETMASK=
  10. sstilton

    creating tar from file listing

    If you have a list of files that you want created as a tar do the following: ls > list than type this command: tar -cvf nameoffile.tar -T list
  11. sstilton

    just to echo text wiat, echo some more

    If you want to run a small script to echo data you first need to declare your shell that you want the script to run in. My suggestion is bash. "echo" is a command that will echo anything after that command. (Example) echo how are you? you would get at the command line _ how are...
  12. sstilton

    Configuring a laptop to connect to a Linux Server via the Internet

    Is the Linux server a text server?

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