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Search results for query: *

  1. klunde

    Convert numbers to day names

    Actually, what I ended up with is this: for i = 2 to 14 Response.write "<td bgcolor=""" & iif(weekday(dateadd("d",-i,date()),2)>5,bg1,bg2) & """>" & WeekDayName(weekday(dateadd("d",-i,date())),true) & " " & day(dateadd("d",-i,date())) & "/" & month(dateadd("d",-i,date())) & "</td>" next...
  2. klunde


    ah... got it. Thanks again for your excellent help! </Morten>
  3. klunde


    Thanks again! one final small question. In the first example you have ,substr(nvl(to_char(max(decode(nday,1,arts,null))),'-'),1,4) Day1 while in the last example you have ,substr(nvl(to_char(max(decode(nday,1,arts,null))),'-'),1,6) Day1 Why 4 on the first and 6 on the second? </Morten>
  4. klunde

    Convert numbers to day names

    Hi I have a sql query that returns numbers from 0 to 14. When I'm showing the result on my asp page I would like to convert these numbers into 0 = "Today", 1 = "Yesterday", 2 = {the name of the day before yesterday (if ran today it would be "sunday"} and so on. Anyone know how I can...
  5. klunde


    Thank you both for very good help. I went for the second method since I'm writing up this page in an asp page and therefor didn't want to create new database objects. A small? follow-up question. Would it be possible to change the sql code to allow n-number of days? </Morten>
  6. klunde


    I have this sql code select source_name, round(sysdate-sup_date) as nday, count(article_id) as arts from articles_contents_xml where round(sysdate-sup_date) <=14 group by source_name, round(sysdate-sup_date)" order by source_name, nday which gives me this list: Source_name nday arts...
  7. klunde

    System.InvalidCastException problem

    Additional info: On the server I'm running this program on I have the older compiled version of the program. This version works ok. There is no write to file errors or anything with that one, but if I start the one I have compiled I get this error. </Morten>
  8. klunde

    System.InvalidCastException problem

    If only there where some docs.... Here is the code part where I get the error. I can't really understand why I get a "write to file" error when I'm actually trying to read data. try { ADBInterfaceDLL.ArticleDataBase ADB = (ADBInterfaceDLL.ArticleDataBase)obj; ADODB.Recordset RS = new...
  9. klunde

    System.InvalidCastException problem

    No it wasn't. I finally found the component under COM+ applications on my server. I exported it and installed it into COM+ on my dev. machine. Then I removed the components (adbinterfacedll and adodb.dll) from my project and added them again from the COM page on the references in VS. Now my new...
  10. klunde

    System.InvalidCastException problem

    Hi I have a C# program that I haven't written my self, but I have it running on a server here. Now I've opened the source on my computer (and upgraded the project without error to VS 2008). Then I've changed two small lines in the code and re-compiled it (again without error). But when I run...
  11. klunde

    Excel Remove row without breaking formula

    Correction. The =INDIRECT("Sheet1!A"&ROW()) actually enables me to expand the formula. </Morten>
  12. klunde

    Excel Remove row without breaking formula

    Thanks Glenn. The next thing would be to figure out how to apply an =INDIRECT() command on all my 597 existing formulas since you can't create an =indirect() and drag it to expand / increase the formulas. SkigVought and Combo: You didn't get the question. </Morten> </Morten>
  13. klunde

    Excel Remove row without breaking formula

    Hi I have a spreadsheet with two sheets. On sheet two I have a list of formulas where the first 50 rows refers to one!a1..a50. Now the problem: I want my list on sheet two to ALWAYS refer to the cells a1 to a50, but if I on sheet one removes row 18, row 18 on sheet two ends up with a row...
  14. klunde

    XML editor suggestions (XML newbie)

    Take a look at XTrans. From the website: A small free editor for building XSL templates and test their transformation with XML documents. http://www.simxtech.com/users/zc2/xtrans/ </Morten>
  15. klunde

    Where can I get SP3 for BrightStor 11.5

    You'll find it here: ftp://ftp.ca.com/CAproducts/unicenter/AXWBAS/nt/GA/QO86307/ </Morten> </Morten>
  16. klunde

    how can I change serial number

    Hi I'm runnning 11.5 sp3. I just had to re-install my backup server and I've inserted all my existing tapes into my library to make arcserve recognise the tapes. This has worked fine and they are again back in my daily, weekly and monthly pools. There is only one problem. When I look at at the...
  17. klunde

    Anyone had SP2 problems?

    I can't install the R2 DFS and PrintManagement tools to my Sp2 server anymore, it only states "wrong version" </Morten>
  18. klunde

    Logs on opening /copying documents

    To be able to check this you must enable audit tracking for objects on your server. (See local security settings) But that will only apply for files accessed after you apply the audit tracking. </Morten>
  19. klunde

    Installing Print Management

    Hi I'm trying to install the Print Management Application that came with the R2 Release on my w2k3 R2 SP2 server, but since I've installed SP2 it only says that I have the incorrect version. Does anyone know where to find a version that can be installed on a SP2 server? </Morten>
  20. klunde

    Convert old address book to something outlook can read

    Thanks, but it will not work on Notes 4 </Morten>

Part and Inventory Search
