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Search results for query: *

  1. dakotafox

    Excel Process won't Quit

    In all of our Excel automation programs we use the following statements and have no problems *---start Excel oExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") *----end Excel oExcel.quit Release oExcel
  2. dakotafox


    Here was my solution to the problem because we produce these type of reports on a monthly basis. *---Unfortunately excel spreadsheets handle only up to about 65,000 records on *---a single spreadsheet thus we need to create multiple worksheets for them if y13Excel count...
  3. dakotafox

    Activate group by programing

    I am working with EXCEL and Visual Foxpro, creating excel worksheets from Customer data. The current worksheet reports show data and multiple subtotals of data on each worksheet. We would like to programically using the group feature. (i.e., like manual selection of Data,Group and...
  4. dakotafox

    Foxpro to Excel limit

    Does anyone know if there is anyway to increase the limit of the copy to command when trying to copy a data set of records to EXCEL. If the table size is greater than 16,384 records, the remaining records are just dropped with no error message from Foxpro or Excel. (i.e. 25000 records in the...
  5. dakotafox

    vfp7.0 and VSS problems

    My company is attempting to place our VFP 7 projects into VSS but we are having major difficulty. We have four developers working on the various projects and need to have them available in development, testing for QC and production. The system is a conversion from Fox2.6 windows,into vfp6 and...
  6. dakotafox

    formual problem for date printing in report

    Have just solved this formula, so thought that I would pass it on anyway. formula=IIF({crystal_wcp.discondate}=#12/30/1899#, " " ,totext({crystal_wcp.discondate})) This will work perfectly.
  7. dakotafox

    formual problem for date printing in report

    Because of the empty date value being interpreted at 12/30/1899 when creating a recordset from a VFP7 table, I have been working with this workaround but not successful. What am I missing in the statements? The report field is printing as blanks for all dates, and does not put in the current...
  8. dakotafox

    Crystal Report Date Problem with VFP table

    As a new user of Crystal Reports I am experiencing problems with date fields when working with a VFP7 table. If the date field contains a valid date value no problem, but if date field is empty it is reported/displayed as 12/30/1899 and then when the report is exported to Excel the same date...
  9. dakotafox

    date problems using vfp7 tables

    Thank you for the suggestion, but the checkbox is NOT checked in either option. As a test I checked the box and ran the report again and got the same results.
  10. dakotafox

    VFP7 and Crystal Reports

    I am hoping some of you sharp VFP people have Crystal Reports experience. As a new user of Crystal Reports I am experiencing problems with date fields when working with a VFP7 table. If the date field contains a valid date value no problem, but if date field is empty it is reported/displayed as...
  11. dakotafox

    date problems using vfp7 tables

    As a new user of Crystal Reports I am experiencing problems with date fields when working with a VFP7 table. If the date field contains a valid date value no problem, but if date field is empty it is reported/displayed as 12/30/1899 and then when the report is exported to Excel the same date...
  12. dakotafox

    Excel Automation

    oExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") *---show User the file oExcel.visible=.T. *----turn off the warning message about file exists oExcel.DisplayAlerts=.f. *---------------------------------------------------- *---now open the template oExcel.Workbooks.Open(mtmplfile) *---now save...
  13. dakotafox

    How to identify the result of a select statement by VFP7.0 from SQL

    The following command is used is our application, where v1 is the variable containing the unique id. cSQL = "SELECT * from tblAMC2_practice WHERE sql_d_pk=&v1" SQLResult= SQLExec(hdlpline,cSQL) The value of SQLResult is 1, whether records were found or not. How can I identify whether...
  14. dakotafox

    Unique index problem in VFP7

    Our problem with the unique index violation error is occuring after a record is deleted from a table and a corrected record is trying to be inserted. The main index keys were not changed just some of the other field values, but how do we get Fox CDX to ignore the existence of the deleted record...
  15. dakotafox

    cut and paste

    Thank for the reply Dave. Our application, cut and paste, will work in development also, and in an EXE run at a development station. But if the exe in placed on the network and run with the run time libraries at stations not having foxpro installed, the the problem exits (no cut and paste)
  16. dakotafox

    cut and paste

    Thank you both for your replys. The ctr+c, etc commands are what we had been using as these are the standard Windows commands and they worked fine in VFP6. We are not running any framework nor was there any hardcoded programming. Now that we are running in VFP7, we have lost that functionality...
  17. dakotafox

    cut and paste

    In our VFP6 application version we were able to cut and paste between textboxes, now in VFP7 we have lost that feature. Does anyone have any solutions.
  18. dakotafox

    Memo table doubling in size

    We are experiencing a problem with the Memo table for a table in our DBC. We are using VFP7.0 now but the problem had just begun while still in VFP6. Each day the memo table for this particular table doubles in size each day. We have a nighttime process that is reindexing all tables (stonefield...
  19. dakotafox

    character display problems in menu and error messages

    We are still having problems with character displays and error messages in some applications after converting from VFP6 to VFP7. I have not had any response to previous posts about the problem. I would be happy to send some screen shots as a Word.doc attachment to any of our Web Tech Experts...
  20. dakotafox

    Menu text problems when converting from VFP6 to VFP7

    Isn't anyone else in the VFP7 world having this problem with menu creation? I can't believe that we are the only ones having this problem or that there is no explanation available. I would be happy to send someone a word doc print screen of the problem. Thanks

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