I had only 280 attempts :(
They can try to infect my Windows NT, I'm not running IIS ;)
The last attempt to infect my server is : 08/05/2001 19:33:17
I would like to capture the screen in a BMP, but the captured screen should not go in the clipboard it muss go to the aplication directly.
Can anyone help thanks,
I would like to learn how to program assembler under Windows 32 bits, I know it's a bit crazy but I like to see how far I could go with it ;)
Could you tell me where I could find some info.
Here is some API calls to open the serial port and use it :
CreateFile Open the port,
WriteFile write to the port (like to file)
ReadFile read from the port
CloseHandle Close the port ;)
SetupComm Initialize the communication
there is a struture called "dcd"...
I used once this little HTML for my sign in Flash, it worked on a message board with HTML turned on.
<embed src="http://www.domain.net/movie.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="120" height="25"> </embed>
Hope it helped,
I would like to capture the screen in a BMP, but the captured screen should not go in the clipboard it muss go to the aplication directly.
Can anyone help thanks,
A mon avis la meilleur façon cree un Flash, importer une musique ".wav".
Pour changer la compression (avec Flash 5) il faut aller dans la "Library" :
Menu Window -> Library
Là il y a une list de tous les objects utilisé, il suffit de cliquer avec le bouton droit sur la...
J'ai toujours une erreur de mon coté avec Intenet Explorer 5 :
Ligne : 2 ,Car : 29
Erreur de syntaxe
Avec Mozilla 0.9.2 et Netscape 6 j'ai une erreur aussi :
Error: syntax error
Source File: http://us.toto.geo.yahoo.com/toto?s=76001068&l=NE&b=0&t=996414665
Line: 1
Source Code:
<table border=0...
Le "Server include" c'est un bout de code HTML qui est ajouté a votre HTML lorsqu'il appelé depuis le serveur Geocities.
Cela permet de d'ajouter de la pub ou autre chose.
Sur Geocities ils mette une petite fenêtre en haut a droite avec de la pub.
I made some test, and it seems to be the server include that contain the error.
Your server include is :
<!-- text below generated by server. PLEASE REMOVE --></object></layer></div></span></style></noscript></table></script></applet>
<script language="JavaScript"...
I muss say when I try that on page that does not have any JavaScript it work without any problem, this page has JavaScript to catch the right-click and the Control button.
Here the Javascript
<script language="JavaScript">
Here is the za definition it's very big, za is create with a software, it's to protect the original source page...
I use a document.write to create a new page, but it does not work correctly. The new page contain JavaScript and I get a error when I try to show the page in this form.
The page work if see it in it's original form.
Any help would appreciable,
"za" contain the new page with...
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