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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. pdsterling

    old person needs help in automating keystrokes

    I am a very old PC user. I came of age using Lotus 1-2-3, and only migrated to Excel unwillingly, when a recruiter told me not to mention antiquated IBM software skills on my resume ;-) in the old days, I could craft a routine, such as "todays date" which I always called Control+D, and it was...
  2. pdsterling

    Excel Data|Filter|Advanced

    ah, ha! well, some day I will be forced to upgrade ;-) thanks for giving me a concrete answer!! regards, P D Sterling Regards, P D Sterling Florida NY
  3. pdsterling

    Excel Data|Filter|Advanced

    expected result of the previous input would look like this: SOURCE EMAIL P6 maumau29_@hotmail.com P1 maurice_casillas@hotmail.com P1 mauricegladys@yahoo.fr P1 mauricejus@aol.com P1 mauricioxxx2003@hotmail.com P1 mauriliomartins2000@gmail.com P6 mauritius.dodo@hotmail.fr P1 maurycarey@yahoo.com...
  4. pdsterling

    Excel Data|Filter|Advanced

    I guess I did not know I could copy and paste. Here is a filet of file: Criteria FALSE SOURCE EMAIL P6 maumau29_@hotmail.com P1 maurice_casillas@hotmail.com P1 mauricegladys@yahoo.fr P1 mauricegladys@yahoo.fr P6 mauricegladys@yahoo.fr P1 mauricejus@aol.com P1 mauricioxxx2003@hotmail.com P3...
  5. pdsterling

    Excel Data|Filter|Advanced

    I appreciate Skip's post, and understand that my query was pretty vague. I'm not certain how to provide more information to the group. I had three different worksheets, archived from different projects. one had 3000 lines, one had 6000 lines and one had 11,000 lines, basically just lists of...
  6. pdsterling

    Excel Data|Filter|Advanced

    One really hates to complain, but . . . I have a small project where I was trying to combine three spreadsheets into one worksheet of unique values. I have a book on tips and tricks which mentioned Data|Filter|Advanced and I tried six ways to the moon to emulate the examples in to book, but the...
  7. pdsterling

    need *very*basic* help

    I am using FrontPage 2002. Regretfully, I don't use it every day, only about once a quarter, and between disk crashes and everything else, some assumptions have moved. as I recall, in the beginning, I was told to craft an index page in FrontPage, then publish it to the web address, in which...
  8. pdsterling

    wingding and text in same cell

    I am not a very advanced bear, but I do this all the time with webdings. I just did a test, entering the name "Farquhardt r" in a cell. "r" in webdings is a big black X. I f2 edited the cell, mousing over only the "r" and then |Format|Cell|Font, choosing webding {enter} and I get "Farquhardt...
  9. pdsterling

    Character Set SNAFU

    I have Windows XP Ver 5.1 SP 3, and Excel 2002. From time to time, I receive a small database in text format, which is UTF-8 encoded and which contains a lot of foreign names and extended ASCII characters. If I were to open this in my text editor, everything would look all right. If I convert...
  10. pdsterling

    Memory use

    Thanks for your post! Yes, of course it does. Perhaps I was not clear enough. I have this database of all voters in 4 counties, approx 2.3MM records. I have it indexed by name, by address, and by certificate number. After first boot, say I need to triangulate on a voter, so I need to change...
  11. pdsterling

    Memory use

    I'm not sure if this is too off-topic: I recently maximized memory on my machine, and I find the indexes run much more quickly. Backround: I am running Windows XP Home, dBASE V, and my main database is 2,300,000 records down from 2,675,000. Sometimes when I logout and close dBase, the computer...
  12. pdsterling

    End of file encountered

    you seem to have given me the magic word; I went to Google and found half a dozen - so I will be trying them out very soon. many thanx for a mitzvah in the middle of this terrible heat!
  13. pdsterling

    End of file encountered

    Note to BillPSU: I am trying hard not to ask you to do my work for me. I have a vague idea of what a database file works like, and I have googled for software which could edit the file. The largest file is only 21% available, and I am re-creating the data slowly but surely, but it is painfully...
  14. pdsterling

    problem relating files

    thanks for replying to my message - actually I had finally found a backup copy of my other program and found that, instead of they way I interpreted the manual (wrong, of course), that I could set all my files in different work areas, and then relate them to the maintenance file all at once...
  15. pdsterling

    problem relating files

    If I had known I was going to live so long, I would have taken better care of myself. I underwent a disk crash, and was not the least bit shaken, thinking I had everything backed up. Unfortunately, I had all DATA backed up, but not programs. I tried to rewrite a program I wrote more than ten...
  16. pdsterling

    End of file encountered

    Okay, I am going to google on the items you mentioned, but not tonight. Many thanks for taking the time to post!
  17. pdsterling

    End of file encountered

    you have no way of knowing how much I endorse your idea. have uncle bill provide an excel program which will allow me to have two or three million lines, and I will be in hog heaven! they don't call me Your Excel-ency for nothing! Regards, P D Sterling Dallas TX
  18. pdsterling

    End of file encountered

    Okay, I am not getting far with the provided help. The procedure under FAQ290-4606 only went 55 lines and hung up, and I am at a loss on how to edit it. Thread290-857475 didn't work for me, either. I do know enough to replace MyFile with a copy of *my* file. Making a new file by copying didn't...
  19. pdsterling

    End of file encountered

    Mark: I have been doing dBASE for a long time; I may have neglected to say I am dBASE V for DOS, and haven't updated anything for Windows or the new company which took over. Your advice very helpful, and I am ashamed to say I reinvented the wheel before you posted, and am trying again. I did...
  20. pdsterling

    End of file encountered

    I have suffered a hard drive crash which was so annoying; I had carefully backed up all data, and two days later, before the next backup, my hard drive died, and it died in mid-edit, using dBASE V. It seems I read somewhere than an occult code (possibly CTL+Z) can get in where it does not...

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