Is there anyway of doing it without changing the SET DATEFIRST?
In Oracle I can do something like this SELECT next_day(trunc(sysdate)-7,'Thursday') dtWeek FROM DUAL;
I am trying to create a query that groups data by week. However the week should be Saturday to Friday.
Any ideas how I should convert my date to Friday and then I can group/sum my data based on that date.
Thanks .
No errors but If i choose a different version of the report and it runs through the code again. The datatable has the correct values, but the gridview does not get them. If I leave these commented out, the values switch.
//dResult =...
I have a page that has drop down list and a user control
The user control generate graphs and data grids for web enabled reports.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
uc_report.sChartType = ddlChartType.SelectedValue;
Inside my UC i...
We are moving one of our database's to a new server. This new server is SQL 2008 64bit, and the old was 2005 64bit.
Here is the error I am getting when I try to execute the package from Mgt Studio.
[Destination 1 - DDRAbbreviations [147]] Error: SSIS Error Code...
Is it possible to color the header row of a cross tab a color. I know you can set the background of the text in the header, but the color does not extend to the borders.
Is it possible to get the whole header cell colored?
This works...
GridRowColumnValue("@Year") = replace(totext(year({SPNAME;1.EndDate}),0),",","")
AND GridRowColumnValue("SPNAME;1.Month_Name") > month({SPNAME;1.EndDate})
Hey Everyone,
I have a cross tab that has Jan-Dec as the column headers and years as the rows.
However, my data comes back with Jan 2011-Mar-2012. But Apr-Dec 2012 still show zeros. I do not want to suppress zeros, because I could have real zero values in my data. I only want to suppress...
I have a set of crystal reports that are hitting a production database, and they seem to be causing some performance issues to that production system. Is there way in Crystal Reports Server 2008 to limit a report so it can only be run during off hours? say 6pm-6am?
The where clause Crystal is writing is not allowing the left join to work.
to_date("MEDINSCONTRACT"."CEFFECTIVE",'j')<TO_DATE ('13-03-2012 00:00:00'...
{MEDMNGCARE_FEE.MNGPRCODE} is just a field in the database and I am left joining to that table.
I also use different statements based on a parameter.
If UCASE({?CPT Status})= "FUTURE" Then
({%Fee_Effective} > datadate) AND ((isnull({%Fee_Expiration})) OR ({%Fee_Expiration} > datadate))...
Is there any trick to getting the parenthesis in your select expert match in the SQL that crystal generates.
I am using this in my select expert, but the SQL that crystal comes up the parens are way off and not using my left join.
(({%Fee_Effective} < datadate) AND ((isnull({%Fee_Expiration}))...
That is exactly what I did. My does seem a bit quicker.
I have that other function
fn_ParseDelimitedStrings(@sLOB,',') L ON (Q.Location_Code=convert(int, L.Value))
My app is passing in a location number or set of location numbers.
I just had to add logic for the all.
Declare @SiteType VarChar(3),
@SiteState VarChar(2)
Select @SiteType = 'ECI',
@SiteState = 'IL'
I have the following stored procedure...
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Quicksilver_Get_Charges_Pmts_Adj_Amt]
@sSiteType varchar(5)
,@sState varchar(5)
,@sStartMonth varchar(6)
,@sEndMonth varchar(6)
,@sLOB varchar(50)
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets...
I have a report that contains several different date fields. I would like to get the user the ability to choose which date field the date parameter selects from. What would be the best way to do this?
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