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Search results for query: *

  1. murrayja

    windows 7 phone unlocking

    I am an old-timer trying to learn new tricks. Specifically developing an app for the windows phone. I am running VS2010-express for phone development and put together a few apps using the windows 7 phone emulator that comes with it. Having decided to see what a real device looks like I bought...
  2. murrayja

    ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more ... types

    thank you very much! muchos gracias!
  3. murrayja

    ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more ... types

    Thank you. I have avoided the use of the ajaxtoolkit but I will keep your advice in mind for when I next use it. What is the "GAC"?
  4. murrayja

    ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more ... types

    This exception is thrown when loading an 'aspx' module that includes "ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager ... ". I am developing a web page and the page loads and executes correctly using the VS2010 express debugger and when using 'localhost' through Apache after 'publishing' the page to the file...
  5. murrayja

    vs2010 express multi-project solution organization

    I have built two projects, each represents a web page. When I treat them singly they both work. When I put them in a multi-project solution the solution builds but doesn't run. I get an error that reads "cannot find type xxx' where xxx is the class name of a projects default.aspx file. I...
  6. murrayja

    Could not load type 'Html_5._default1'. …Why?

    Running MS VS2010 web developer Express. I 'upgraded' from XP IIS 6 to Win 7 IIS 7 and projects that i had developed stopped working in the sense that IIS 7 did not natively support ASP.NET nor did it support Framework 4.0. After much grubbing around on the internet I got those two things...
  7. murrayja

    stringbuilder to string[]

    It is indeed a stringbuilder that is returned as my post states. The stringbuilder object returned is a series of strings so that 'stringbuilder.tostring()' returns only the first of several returned catenated strings. EG if I had three lines in the section with the values 'a', 'b', 'c' the...
  8. murrayja

    stringbuilder to string[]

    I am using the kernel function to read dot-ini sections and section values. The function ReadPrivateProfileSection returns a 'stringbuilder' value which is a series of strings representing the key=value items of the section as strings (null terminated) and terminated with a final null. I want...
  9. murrayja

    file access denied

    Chris, Thank You, Bye
  10. murrayja

    file access denied

    Thank you for the suggestion to change and propagate the owner and permissions but how does one do that? I cannot find anything in a folder properties nor in the control panel folder option. I beat the system by creating a new folder and copying, not moving, the files to it. Microsoft did...
  11. murrayja

    file access denied

    I move files between computers using a thumb drive. I have somehow gotten into the situation where all the files in a folder are denied write access. I am looking for a way to set the permissions on all the files together. I know how to do it individually. I have tried "ATTRIB -R *.*" but it...
  12. murrayja

    return to calling page

    I have a 'popup' (.aspx) in which I want to return control to the requesting page. I have been unable to find any reference to the calling page in the 'request' or the 'response'. I feel sure the capability is there. Can anyone direct me to it? Thanks jim murray
  13. murrayja

    Linq and MySql

    I have used Linq with MsSql and now I want to use it with MySql. I add a Linq to Sql class to my project and create a database connection, in the database explorer, to my MySql database. When I drag a batabase table to my linq class I get the message ... "the selected objects use an unsupported...
  14. murrayja

    LINQ aggregate function max()

    I have inherited a LINQ project. I am trying to do the equivalent of "select max(empid) from employees" using LINQ. My statement is var mx = (from EmpID in db.EmployeeMains select EmpID).Max(); and it barfs at the max() part. EmployeeMains is a table with column EmpID as an int. I could work...
  15. murrayja

    IE8 transfers to firefox

    I normally use Firefox but I have to fix a web site that requires IE. I installed IE8 and now when running IE8 I put in a URL and hit 'go' Firefox starts up and I see the site in Firefox. I can't find anywhere in Firefox options how to turn off default browser. Help!!!
  16. murrayja

    Cannot see or locate server name in Studio Express

    I developed an asp.net web app using a local sql server express 2005. I am now trying to port my web app to a 'rackspace' host url. The Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express will not connect to the 'rackspace' url but a 'rackspace' tech can connect to the instance. I have a sneaky...
  17. murrayja

    "unable to start debugging"

    I just 'upgraded' from xp-home to xp-pro. I re-installed dot-net 2.0 and Visual C# 2005 Express. Now when I start debugging a C# project I get the message ... Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging, The binding handle is invalid. I have uninstalled and re-installed twice...
  18. murrayja

    windows explorer wont show hidden files

    my bad!!! I ran the cmd for vista not XP. now its doing a lot of stuff.
  19. murrayja

    windows explorer wont show hidden files

    I ran the cmd specified at the kb link and there was no defltbase.inf file in windows\inf. It did however remove the logon requirement which is good. It still reverts to "do not show..." jim
  20. murrayja

    windows explorer wont show hidden files

    I want to view my email folders under documents & settings > user name > application data. Application data is hidden. When I set explorer to view hidden files it won't take. It shows the radio button being selected but when I go back in to check it, it is unselected. I have been poking...

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