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Search results for query: *

  1. tootired

    Password Protect Forum_Unload

    Setting cancel to any nonzero value prevents the form from being removed. So, your else clause becomes Else Call setf Cancel = 1 End If End Sub Best wishes, tootired (Jonathan Clarke)
  2. tootired

    How do I read the chip temperature in VB?

    Is this for real? In which case, start by adding some electronics to measure the temperature. Or is it a wind-up? In which case, I want to know how to use the chip to detect excessive sweating on behalf of the user (either by smell or by moisture content on the keyboard). Time for me to go...
  3. tootired

    Preventing focus on editbox?

    You can do this by intercepting EN_SETFOCUS and calling SetFocus() for another control ... void MyDialog::OnSetfocusNoEntryItem() { GetDlgItem( IDC_ANOTHERITEM )->SetFocus(); } An alternative would have been to use a text label rather than an edit box, though changing the value in the...
  4. tootired

    How do you rate Visual C++ .NET?????????

    No-one has mentioned how the compiled code runs on a target machine. My experience is that "runs" is the wrong word - it takes A LONNNNNNNG time to load the program. For this reason, I'm sticking to VC6 until running .Net programs is a bit more straight-forward. Happy New Year...
  5. tootired

    Search and Sort in an array

    I think we're answering different questions! My reading of the original question is that we don't want to sort the whole array - we want to find the minimum value in the third column, and then return the corresponding values in the first two columns. The example given is that the...
  6. tootired

    Search and Sort in an array

    No need to convert to a one-dimensional array, surely. Plus that might obscure the purpose of the array. Here's a simple treatment. int myarray[ NOROWS ][ NOCOLS ]; getvalues( int* p1, int* p2 ) { int row, returnrow, minvalue; row = 0; *p1 = myarray[ row ][ 0 ]; *p2 = myarray[ row ][ 1 ]...
  7. tootired

    SetConsoleWindowInfo failures

    Hi everyone, I'm stuck trying to get a Console application to behave consistently. Specifically, I can't get calls to SetConsoleWindowInfo to produce a window that is always the right size on the screen - every now and then it comes up much smaller than I want, with scrollbars to move around...
  8. tootired

    combo box quest ion

    Hi, Seems to me that txtIncumbent.Text will be BOTH the contact_id and the name. So you can use e.g. Mid( txtIncumbent.Text, 1, 8 ) if you know that the contact_id is 8 characters long. If the id is variable length, use a delimiter (space, colon - whatever looks good and cannot appear in the...
  9. tootired

    Drag and Drop Editing on mskedit

    Hi, I don't get the problem you describe. I have to be careful with the format AND length (padding the lenght with underscores) but it is not sensitive to WHERE the drop is done. Here is my code ... Private Sub MaskEdBox1_OLEDragDrop(Data As MSMask.DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As...
  10. tootired

    Submit data to third party web site

    Hmm. Maybe the URL hacking is not going to work! Thinking about your original SendKeys approach, it seems practical to me. I write a VB form with a WebBrowser control in it, and write code as follows. It is delicate code - the precise number of tabs (32 in the example below) will vary as the...
  11. tootired

    Submit data to third party web site

    Here is a worked example! The BBC website (I pay my licence fee, so I feel allowed to abuse it!) has a search form including the following bits of HTML <form name=&quot;toolform&quot; action=&quot;/cgi-bin/search/results.pl&quot;> <input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;q&quot;> So we can put...
  12. tootired

    Submit data to third party web site

    HTML is not a particularly bad learning curve, so you shouldn't be too scared if you need to start on it. The submit URL will be of the form http://server/program?arg1=val1&arg2=val2 &quot;http:&quot; becomes https: if the website is secure &quot;server&quot; will be the website...
  13. tootired

    Submit data to third party web site

    HTML Frames - I do love 'em! You're seeing the FrameSet, which includes src=&quot;./fred_index.html&quot; which is probably the actual page. To see the HTML page with the form, right-mouse click on the form and view source. That should be more helpful. I also respect the issues about not...
  14. tootired

    Submit data to third party web site

    Are you sure about this? If the form displayed is a Java applet, then I could understand it, but (thankfully) that is getting uncommon. If it is HTML then you should be able to see everything. For instance, View-Source tells me that the box in which I am typing this is called &quot;post&quot; -...
  15. tootired

    Submit data to third party web site

    Hi, Are you sure that you can't construct the URL for the COMPLETED form and send it off to the website? I have used this technique in the past - sometimes it is just a matter of studying the names of textboxes and the action that is called by the submit button and/or looking at the URL when...
  16. tootired

    Making Text BOLD

    I think this should set row 12 of your grid bold. MsFlexGrid1.Row = 12 for j = 0 to MsFlexGrid1.Cols - 1 MsFlexGrid1.Col = j MsFlexGrid1.CellFontBold = True next Best wishes, Jonathan C
  17. tootired

    Why do I need to call IsNull twice

    sifitz you are a star! Changing to a client-side cursor gets rid of the behaviour. I shall now spend a few hours reading about these pesky cursor things. Thanks a lot Jonathan Clarke
  18. tootired

    Different versions of Word

    Hi, This is mainly to sympathise with you. I have found that different versions of Word need different things written - I don't think it possible to write targetting all versions without all sorts of version dependencies. My specific example concerns saving a file as HTML. The...
  19. tootired

    Why do I need to call IsNull twice

    In reading a record set (from Access 2000, if it matters) I find that I have to call IsNull twice. In the following fragment you owuld think that &quot;NULL2&quot; is never displayed, yet I find that it is. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, JonathanC While rs.EOF = False str...
  20. tootired

    ---- Manipulation of rational (fraction) numbers ------

    Here you go. It's not perfect - I've not worried about zero values for instance, and my use of const is bitty, but it should all work. #include &quot;stdafx.h&quot; #include &quot;iostream.h&quot; class Rational { public: Rational(); Rational( int num, int den ); Rational operator+(const...

Part and Inventory Search
