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Search results for query: *

  1. sbrews

    VGID on disk incorrect - can VGID be updated?

    Update - after trying recreatevg and redefinevg without luck it was decided to clean up the vg and recreate the affected file systems. However, if anyone does know of a way to recover a corrupted vgid, I would like to know the process.
  2. sbrews

    VGID on disk incorrect - can VGID be updated?

    I have a disk that has somehowe gotten itself into a "missing" status. # lsvg -p datavg datavg: PV_NAME PV STATE TOTAL PPs FREE PPs FREE DISTRIBUTION hdisk2 active 135 65 27..00..00..11..27 hdisk3 active 135...
  3. sbrews


    You want to put something like this in your /etc/fstab file - not auto.master or auto.misc: target:/temp/folder1 /opt/folder1 nfs defaults win1:/archive /opt/archive nfs vers=3 These should then be mounted automatically on reboot... this is assuming you want them mounted...
  4. sbrews

    sftp connection hungs, vvv mode did not helped...

    What is your MaxSessions set to in your sshd_config file? If not defined, its default value is 10. You mention that you do 50 connections - is that 50 sequential or 50 concurrent? If concurrent, then you likely have the MaxSessions value defined at X and you are hitting that limit. On the...
  5. sbrews

    Telnet not installed on linux box

    Based on your output, it appears that the system in question is looking for its yum repository on a locally mounted cd/dvd. If the install media is not currently mounted you will get those errors. You said the UC-module was linux based - do you know what flaver/version of linux? Look in /etc...
  6. sbrews

    Telnet not installed on linux box

    if you have admin access to the linux server, the telnet client (dont need the server) can be installed without hurting anything. You dont mention what flavor of linux you are using, so the exact command will vary depeding on that. For example, on my linux server I could type this (as root)...
  7. sbrews

    cant assign ip address on boot centos 6.5 x86_64

    ps - if all is working right, an "ifconfig -a" should look something like this: bond0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 2C:76:8A:4F:AC:AC inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MASTER MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX...
  8. sbrews

    cant assign ip address on boot centos 6.5 x86_64

    I have bonding set up for my servers - works great. I define some entries in /etc/sysconfig/network: NETWORKING=yes NETWORKING_IPV6=no IPV6INIT=no HOSTNAME=testbox.test.com GATEWAY= and here is my configuration for the bonding: ifcfg-bond0 BROADCAST= IPADDR=
  9. sbrews

    Looking for real-time replication software

    After looking at several things, Doubletake and drbd seem like the most viable options and satisfy our requirements. Now to do an actual side-by-side test to see which is the better option.
  10. sbrews

    Looking for real-time replication software

    I have considered NFS, but that doesnt satisfy the replicated data. Having the data available via NFS wouldnt work if the source server were unavailable. The data needs to be duplicated.
  11. sbrews

    Looking for real-time replication software

    I am looking for some software that will allow me to duplicate a mount from one system to another system. The software should meet these requirements: Will work with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 (and optionally RHEL 5.10) Will duplicate the change - in real time - on the remote system Will...
  12. sbrews

    need assistance on scripting

    If the service name will always be in the form as shown in your example, you can do this: echo $NAME | awk -F. '{print $3}' If you need that result in a variable: SVCNAME=`echo $NAME | awk -F. '{print $3}'`
  13. sbrews

    Mount a local directory

    Do you have (remote) console access? if so, check to see if it supports virtual media. I use that option to "map" an ISO to the cd/dvd device when I need to boot from an ISO when the server is a few thousand miles away and no local hands are available. Alternatively, you could do this: Copy...
  14. sbrews

    Looking for backup ideas/solutions

    I have an environment where I need to do backups. There are no tapes drives nor are they an option. Removable media (ie dvd) is not an option either as they wouldnt be big enough and I am remote to the servers. The only thing I have available (at this time) is NAS. The servers are primary...
  15. sbrews

    At A Loss

    Have you tried any of the sysinternal tools to see if there are any hidden/rouge processes? Just because your antivirus/malware software says no doesnt mean there is nothing there. If its something new and they dont what to look for, they wont report on it. The sysinternal tools can be found...
  16. sbrews

    Where to start : i would like to learn LINUX (RHEL-server) System Administration

    if you have a Windows box available, you could install Virtualbox - https://www.virtualbox.org/ Once that is installed, you could then download one or more of the available flavors - ie Centos https://www.centos.org/ and play around with it. You can also use VMWare instead of Virtualbox if...
  17. sbrews

    Number of cpus on the server

    You could also do dmidecode --type 4 this will list out all the physicall processes, tell how many cores each has and how many of those cores are enabled and a bunch of other info. See output below. Note that only 1 cpu is shown below. If you have multiple CPUs, the information for each will...
  18. sbrews

    How to write a script to find new files in a directory?

    While I somewhat agree with previous comments - one should read the man pages - sometimes that is just not enough... an actual example is needed to flick on that light of comprehension. We have a script that does something similar to what you are asking: SRC="/some/place"...
  19. sbrews

    Problem listing all files in a script

    I had to do something similar on AIX a short while back - this is how I formatted the find command so that it would only look in the specified directory: SRC="/sourcedir" DST="/destinationdir/" cd $SRC find . ! -name . -prune -type f -mmin -1 -exec cp {} $DST \; If you use the above -...
  20. sbrews

    RHEL - how to get LVM to recognize a drive size change

    If the underlying disk was size X and later was made larger to size Y - as indicated in your description - you will need to do a pvresize on the disk in question to get it to see the new space. If you do a pvs, you should see your sda device at its original size. If you then do a "pvresize...

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