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Search results for query: *

  1. fpmurphy

    automount not working on exported linux filesystems

    This should help you: http://www-uxsup.csx.cam.ac.uk/nfs-server/osf1.html
  2. fpmurphy

    trying to comment out the results of XSL:COPY-OF in a XSL file...help

    Follow on to previous post ... Looks like this forum mangles XML encodings even though I placed them within code blocks. Use "& # 6 0 ; ! - - ", without the spaces, for start of comment and " - - & # 6 2 ;", without the spaces, for end of comment.
  3. fpmurphy

    trying to comment out the results of XSL:COPY-OF in a XSL file...help

    This is what I use <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"> <!-- </xsl:text> <xsl:copy-of select="descendant::node()[position()>2]"/> <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"> --> </xsl:text>
  4. fpmurphy

    Vista Network Connection

    Are you using a wireless connection? If so, go into netsh wlan and remove all profiles. I find I sometimes have to do this if I am roaming a lot. Also do "arp -d *" from an elevated command prompt to clean out the arp cache.
  5. fpmurphy

    Run a external program?

  6. fpmurphy

    UDP connections in C

    Just do Web search for "simple C UDP server". You will get many hits.
  7. fpmurphy

    korn shell testing input parameters

    Here is another way - using ksh93 regular expressions if [[ $1 =~ ^(report|run)$ && $2 > 0 ]] then echo "This is correct: $0 $1 $2" else echo "USAGE:$0 <report|run> <number> " fi
  8. fpmurphy

    UDP server recvfrom() always returns -1? :(

    You have a recv timeout set. Try removing that and see what happens. The error you are getting i.e. EAGAIN may just imply that you have timed out.
  9. fpmurphy

    Leading zeros in currency check

    Oops, I forgot to add back in the test for negatives in my previous post. Sorry Here is what I really meant to propose if ( Currency !~ /^(-?[1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9])$|^(-?0\.[0-9][0-9])$/ && Currency !~ "^[ \t]*$" )
  10. fpmurphy

    Leading zeros in currency check

    How about the following if ( Currency !~ /^([1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9])$|^(0\.[0-9][0-9])$/ && Currency !~ "^[ \t]*$" )
  11. fpmurphy

    udp recvfrom() returns no IP address

    Have you done socklen_t addrLen=sizeof(sourceAddr); before the recvfrom() statement?
  12. fpmurphy

    XLS to XML convertion

    No there is no way to export your macros to XML
  13. fpmurphy

    Different type of xml

    Sure XSL can handle diacritics. Just do a web search for "XSL unicode diacritics" and you will find lots of information. The XML recommendations explicitly says XML supports Unicode/ISO 10646. All XML processors must accept the UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings of ISO 10646. ISO 10646 is an...
  14. fpmurphy

    Web app running 50x slower on locked down Vista machine

    Is your machine on a network or not? If not, I bet it is some network-related code timing out.
  15. fpmurphy

    How do I create a timestamp in a shell script?

    If you are using ksh93 you can also use printf "%(%s)T" to return the number of seconds since the Epoch. This avoids a call to an external utility such as date.
  16. fpmurphy

    tempfile command?

    It just creates a uniquely named file owned by you. If you do not want lots of oddly named temporary files lying around, maybe containing sensitive information, you should specifically delete the file after use.
  17. fpmurphy

    Copy an XML file using XSL?

    It is extremely inefficient to use an XSLT processor just to copy a file. I suggest you just use the underlying operating system copy file command or API.
  18. fpmurphy

    XSLT Looping through a variable set

    if you cannot use an XSLT2 processor, the following works for all XSLT1.0 processors that I am aware of. The example is based on tsuji's example <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0" xmlns:foo="http://foo.com"...
  19. fpmurphy

    Matching line if next line doesn't have pattern

    Here is an awk script which does what you want for the supplied example file. BEGIN {state=0} { if ( $1 == "Doing" ) { if (state == 1) { print tmp; tmp=$0 } else { state=1; tmp=$0 } } else { state = 0 } }
  20. fpmurphy

    how to convert character to number in the shell?

    Looks like you are using ksh88 or ksh93. If so, try the following $ elapsed="14:21:36" $ print $(( ${elapsed:6} * 60 )) 2160 $

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