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Search results for query: *

  1. TheFitz

    Can't Create Trigger using values from other tables

    Hey all, @Chris, yes, I am planning to have a user input, probably in PHP - also need to learn this. For the moment, I am just setting up the DB. In short, assume a 1-many relationship between users and profiles and profiles and family. A user creates a new record in profiles (via a...
  2. TheFitz

    Can't Create Trigger using values from other tables

    OK, will do. Thanks Vacunita Fitz Did you know, there are 10 types of people in this world: * Those who understand binary and * Those who Don't!!
  3. TheFitz

    Can't Create Trigger using values from other tables

    Hi all, I'm trying my hand at some MySQL. Although I am a seasoned programmer, I have never touched MySQL and I am struggling to create a new trigger using phpMyAdmin. In short, there are 3 tables, "tblusers" "tblprofile" and "tblfamily". Assuming a user is logged in and they want to create a...
  4. TheFitz

    Can't Create Trigger using values from other tables

    Hi all, I'm trying my hand at some MySQL. Although I am a seasoned programmer, I have never touched MySQL and I am struggling to create a new trigger using phpMyAdmin. In short, there are 3 tables, "tblusers" "tblprofile" and "tblfamily". Assuming a user is logged in and they want to create a...
  5. TheFitz

    Using iif for nulls is not working

    How sure are you that it's returning NULL values and not empty strings? Try: a) IIf(Len([workrvu])<0,0,([workrvu])) - or - b) IIf([workrvu]="",0,([workrvu])) F. Fitz Did you know, there are 10 types of people in this world: * Those who understand binary and * Those who Don't!!
  6. TheFitz

    Using iif for nulls is not working

    I haven't tried this, but I'm sure I've seen something similar. You've got 2 choices: a) Try IIf([workrvu]=Null,0,[workrvu]) b) Write a short function in VBA to check the value. I think a) wil work as I'm sure I've come across something very similar, yet I can't remember over what. Give it a...
  7. TheFitz

    Excel VBA - Value from closed workbook - Error 2015

    I tried that first of all. It's definately due to the merged cell. I don't have the ability to change it from a merged cell but that's what's causing the issuue. Thanks for your thoughts tho. F. Fitz Did you know, there are 10 types of people in this world: * Those who understand binary...
  8. TheFitz

    Excel VBA - Value from closed workbook - Error 2015

    Hi all, I'm trying to get a value from a closed workbook which is in merged cell B30:G32 and I get error 2015. If I change the reference to "E10" (a non merged cell) it works. Private Function GetValue(path, file, sheet, ref) ' Retrieves a value from a closed workbook Dim arg As String...
  9. TheFitz

    Runtime Error 438 - Works on one form and not another

    Hey all, I'm still struggling with this one. As a temporary solution I've set txtDate as =Format(Now(), "DD-MMM-YYYY") in it's default value which has temporarily fixed the problem. It still allows the ability to change the data via the other "working" form. I could leave this solution in as...
  10. TheFitz

    Runtime Error 438 - Works on one form and not another

    Sorry, I should have shown the rest of the code, I had put it in the top piece and then removed it to save over complicating it. To answer your questions: What section is txtDate located in? Header, Detail, etc.? - Detail Is the field bound? - No - Unbound Does the opened form have a...
  11. TheFitz

    Runtime Error 438 - Works on one form and not another

    Agreed. I like your thinking, but no :-( The "frmBookInOut" form is a single form which has a number of "txtDate" controlled list boxes, however, I have tried waitng for a few seconds and trying again and to no avail. Further investigations: I've set the default value of "txtDate" to be...
  12. TheFitz

    Runtime Error 438 - Works on one form and not another

    Hi Andy, Good call, however, it's not that. I've checked another copy of the same system and it's working fine. . . . . References are exactly the same. F. Fitz Did you know, there are 10 types of people in this world: * Those who understand binary and * Those who Don't!!
  13. TheFitz

    Runtime Error 438 - Works on one form and not another

    Hi All, Hopefully this won't be too confused. I have a "Register" Form to book people in and out using a Bar code etc. This form is called "frmBookInOut". When loading from the Main Menu, this form uses now() to calculate from. If a different date to day is required, another form is loaded...
  14. TheFitz

    VBA query SQL Server FILEPROPERTY Not Returning

    Found the issue. Incase anyone else comes across this, I had connected to the Server, but had not connected to the database. The FILEPROPERTY "SpaceUsed" returns NULL for any Database that is isn't connected to. ie I needed to specify the connection directly to that DB and then all works ok...
  15. TheFitz

    VBA query SQL Server FILEPROPERTY Not Returning

    Hi Skip, I'll give it a shot, but the problem isn't with the name or filename fields, it's with the "FILEPROPERTY" part. :-S [bigears] Fitz Fitz Did you know, there are 10 types of people in this world: * Those who understand binary and * Those who Don't!!
  16. TheFitz

    VBA query SQL Server FILEPROPERTY Not Returning

    Hi All, I wonder if you can help me, I'm trying to return some values using a connection from Excel to SQL Server. The code I'm using is as follows: select name, filename, convert(decimal(12,2),round(a.size/128.000,2)) as FileSizeMB ...
  17. TheFitz

    Try to add colunm of data type Yes/NO

    Hi, How do you know your value is null? I've just tried it and the default value is set to 0, which is correct I believe? Let me knwo and I'll try and help . . . . Regards, TheFitz Fitz Did you know, there are 10 types of people in this world: * Those who understand binary and * Those...
  18. TheFitz

    Formatting Controls on Continious Form

    Hi All, Here's a good one for you. I've got a report, which for each record,highlights fields depending on the values in that field, think Conditional Formatting, however, I have got this working for a number of different values, for example, I've used percentages in blocks of 10 as below...
  19. TheFitz

    Passing a SQL String from Access to MySQL and Returning a Recordset

    Thanks Duane for the info, I've solved it, with was a school boy error in my coding: Function ReturnRST(strSQL As String) As ADODB.Recordset Const DB_CONNECT As String = "Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=;Port=3306;Database=EBGSDT;User=****; Password=****;Option=3;" Dim cn As...
  20. TheFitz

    macro to get name and address from word document and paste to excel

    Hi, I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do, however, to me it doesn't quite seem as simple as you are talking. Do you have fields defined in the word document to hold the name and address or is it just free text. If it's just free text, you have no way of defining the actual name or...

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