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Search results for query: *

  1. guestgulkan

    Doesn't Fedora FC5 Do Daylight Saving Time...?

    I thought I was late for work... Looked but couldn't find any setting for it.
  2. guestgulkan

    couple of questions

    I know it's no comfort to you Cruel - but I too have had problems setting up Macromedia Flash, Acrobat Reader and Java to work with Firefox. Still havn't got the Acrobat Reader plugin to work.
  3. guestgulkan

    X-Window versus MS Windows

    To me, now using Linux full time, that X-window is not as slick or polished as Microsoft Windows. In X-window, the interface objects such as comboboxes, buttons, etc are not quite as good as MS window ones. KDE is my preferred desktop and one particular thing I notice is dialogboxes in general...
  4. guestgulkan

    SUSE Linux and multimedia

    Why is SUSE linux so brain-dead with respect to video files. I can't play ANYTHING - why? Are all linux versions the same or should I just junk SUSE and get something else?
  5. guestgulkan

    Right - I have a question for database designers

    or possibly database implementors (i.e those persons who set up databases and queries for banks etc...); my surname is st.clair you will notice the dot or period in the name. it is not two seperate words or anything weird yet it still seems to throw people using databases. One thing i've...
  6. guestgulkan

    Communicating through USB

    Try here http://www.lvr.com/usb.htm or here http://www.usb.org/phpbb/
  7. guestgulkan

    Personalised Logon screens...How?

    For example at my local library internet cafe - the usual windows (xp) logon screen has been replaced with the library's own version. What windows API function(s) allow you to do this?
  8. guestgulkan

    Bound Member Functions

    Different types of calls. A function of a class requires a this_call that is a C++ type call. The sqllite function is c-based and is expecting to make a c_call. So they are incompatible. Making theclass funtion static effectively turns it to into standard c_call and so it works ok. (but could...
  9. guestgulkan

    how to install/start mysql?

    I know that on windows systems - that if you use mysql without supplying a username in the way that cyan01 did - then you will get that ODBC error.
  10. guestgulkan

    New Open Source DB on the market?

    Do you have to be a masochist to work at Sun then??? "let's find the the biggest baddest companies out there and take them on" type attitude???
  11. guestgulkan

    SELECT issue

    MySQL passwords are stored in encrypted form.
  12. guestgulkan

    That old hat - case sensitivity in user names..

    I'm not asking much - just an absolute definitive answer on case sensitivity in MySQL :-) including the following: Are user logon names case sensitive? [I've read they are not, but they are on my version - that is to say 'root' is OK but 'ROOT' gets rejected] TIA
  13. guestgulkan

    Essentials of PM

    I think a lot of 'people skills are also required in real life project management - simply put if you can't get people to work for you then you're sunk!
  14. guestgulkan

    Re-inventing the postage stamp

    I do not believe spammers are criminals - if so then as far as I'm concerned all the producers of popup windows on the internet (ebay for example?) and flash adverts should be treated likewise.
  15. guestgulkan

    OK - What new stuff will become mainstream in 2004 ??

    Things seem to be a bit stale of late. Have the providers run out of steam or are they planning a some big surprises for us in 2004 I assume M$ will put out a new OS - I hear they have a couple on the boil. Will 3G phones be available? Will Intel or AMD bring out a superchip? Personally I...
  16. guestgulkan

    Extreme political correctness???

    Personally I can't see how the worker could sue and expect it to stick. He might find the terms offensive but they were not directed at him/her or any other person at all. Oh Dear - was the feelings of the poor videomachine hurt? Can someone sue on behalf of an inanimate object??
  17. guestgulkan

    IT vs Marketing!!! Fight of the cetury!!!

    This issue is not particular to IT. I think you will find it in ANY type of company/industries. A line can be drawn with SALES & Marketing on one side and everybody else on the other. BULLSH*T versus BRAINS and guess who usually wins!
  18. guestgulkan

    Technical Writers

    lionelhill You do realise that no-one actually reads manuals :-). There are just there to look good. The only time they might get looked at is in the last resort when everybody has had a go at fixing a problem and has made a complete dogs dinner of it.
  19. guestgulkan

    Technical Writers

    I've done a bit of it. I did check out the style of other technical manuals like the user handbooks you get with equipment and such to get a feel for style, layout, information etc.. (why reinvent the wheel?). willir says add some humour - but note that if your manual is to be translated into...

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