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Search results for query: *

  1. Aptitude

    Suppress right-click file open in SaveFileDialog

    What is ExcelHelper? I am guessing the the bug is in its TerminateExcel function. I am going to guess this is uesd to get around the issue with COM Reference counting. For a full explanation take a look at this Microsoft Knoledge Base Article Office application does not quit after automation...
  2. Aptitude

    Make control "not focusable"

    Most controls have a TabStop property. Simply set this to false.
  3. Aptitude

    Suppress right-click file open in SaveFileDialog

    It sound's like that shouldn't be happening. You should be able to open two separate Excel files at the same time and not have them interfere with each other. How exactly are you opening and closing the files? Would it be possible for you to give us a couple of short code snippets?
  4. Aptitude

    Suppress right-click file open in SaveFileDialog

    Given that there a a huge number of ways the excel file could be open before your open file dialog is run I don't think blocking the open menu item is going to solve your headaches. The best thing to do is to check if the file is already open when you open it and display a dialog to the user...
  5. Aptitude

    Update Query Syntax for Access DB

    It goes something like this assuming a table with three columns called ID, Column1 and Column2: Try connection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\db1.mdb") connection.Open() Dim command As New OleDbCommand()...
  6. Aptitude

    Suppress right-click file open in SaveFileDialog

    Just out of interest, why do you want to do that?
  7. Aptitude

    When to use the GAC.

    The only thing you seem to get from using the GAC is a reduction in hard disk space when multiple applications use the same dlls. But why bother when 100Gb disks are so cheap. On the flip side with the GAC you get a big headache when it comes to deployment. Using the GAC you can no longer...
  8. Aptitude

    At Home Server

    There are lots of possibilities for this. Can you tell us what your application is going to do? It might give us a clue as to what the appropriate answer to this is.
  9. Aptitude

    The Best Text Editor

    I'm supprised no one has mentioned Visual Studio here yet.
  10. Aptitude

    RegExp matching subexpression w/o returning in result

    Another way to do this is to use the regular expressions exec function to get an object containing an array of matches. This requires the regular expression engine to do a little less work than using replace. function test() { var input = "FAX: 111.222.3333"; var re =...
  11. Aptitude

    Multi-threading a timer?

    I assume you are using a System.Windows.Forms.Timer control. This control uses Windows Messages to launch the Tick event and as such the tick will always be on the UI thread. To get each tick to be on a separate thread you would do the following but be warned if the UI thread is busy when the...
  12. Aptitude

    placing quotes within quotes

    And yet another way to do this: string str = @"He yelled """ + intYear.ToString() + @""" at the top of his voice.";
  13. Aptitude

    Source Safe checkout problems

    It may be that your connection to VSS is a touch slow, or your solution is very big. What is happening is that Visual Studio is doing its status checks in the background. This enables you to get working on your project quicker because you don't have to wait for the status checks to be performed...
  14. Aptitude

    Customer Error Pages give incorrect Http Error Codes

    I've just noticed something rather annoying about custom error pages. Wanting to show users a nice message when they try to load a non-existent aspx page I set my web.config up like this: <configuration> <configSections> <system.web> <customErrors mode="On"...
  15. Aptitude

    What is the best way to upload multiple files?

    Adamroof, That looks like just what I was looking for. And only $39 too. I never thought to use Flash!
  16. Aptitude

    What is the best way to upload multiple files?

    Do you have one you recommend?
  17. Aptitude

    What is the best way to upload multiple files?

    I'm developing a photo sharing application and I have a requirement to allow users to upload multiple files to a database (50-100 at a time). The target market is a bit specialist and has a high proportion of Mac users so I'm looking for a cross platform solution so ActiveX is a non-starter. I...
  18. Aptitude

    About installing .exe in user folder?

    Did you write the exe? The best thing to do is to make the exe do the database upgrade when it first runs. Then all you need to do is deploy a new exe to the program files dir.
  19. Aptitude

    Where should the XML comments go?

    In short the comments should be on both. The interface should detail what someone that implements the interface may want to know and the class should details things specific to that implementation. So the exceptions should only go on the class. You may want to put something in the interface's...
  20. Aptitude

    Thoughts of Encapsulation

    Inheritance just to include generic library functions? No! Don't do it! In answer to your question, putting static library functions in a separate class does not break encapsulation at all. The idea of encapsulation is that when you are looking at code in a class you can see all the points...

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