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Search results for query: *

  1. danceman

    report/remove duplicate records

    To remove duplicate records from a table. What field(s) determine a duplicate, such as SSN, or SSN and code assignment. In my example shown I use SSN and a code that desinates a group assigned to. The SSN can have more then one unique code assignment. First verify duplicates with...
  2. danceman

    Saving to a CD

    check out microsoft site http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/?url=/library/en-us/devio/base/idiscmaster.asp I have not used it yet. Attitude is Everything
  3. danceman

    Innter Join

    your syntax looks correct to me. Attitude is Everything
  4. danceman

    Use Windows API to find file

    I use this to find if a file exist on a users system at the time of running setup.exe. If the file exist I can then take other action. This example only searches for the file once, if found, returns the path. PARAMETERS lcPath, lcfile ** find file located in the path passed or subfolder...
  5. danceman

    forcing app to front of the screen

    By default, each thread has an independent input state (its own active window, its own focus window, and so forth). The SetActiveWindow() function always logically sets a thread's active window state. To force a window to the foreground, however, use SetForegroundWindow()...
  6. danceman

    VFP suggestion for a help file within

    robohelp uses word http://www.macromedia.com/ Attitude is Everything
  7. danceman

    list command problem in vfp6

    use the report generator Attitude is Everything
  8. danceman

    Help automating Excel printout to PDF from within FoxPro

    try this loExcel.ActiveSheet.PrintOut(1,1,1,.F.,"CutePDF Printer",.T.,.T.,"C:\"+ALLTRIM(mquotenum)) thinking that your print driver will automatically add the pdf. mine does Attitude is Everything
  9. danceman

    COPY FILE issue

    =ADIR(aFiles,"data\*.*") DECLARE INTEGER CopyFile IN KERNEL32.DLL ; STRING @SourceFileName, ; STRING @DestFileName, ; INTEGER bFailIfExists FOR nT = 1 TO ALEN(aFiles,1) nSucces=CopyFile(SYS(5)+SYS(2003)+"\data\"+aFiles; [nT,1], SYS(5)+SYS(2003)+"\dataexport\"+aFiles[nT,1],0) IF...
  10. danceman

    Like Statement Problem on Lookup Table

    You need a JOIN condiction in your FROM FROM dbo.tmp_PTO_AccesstoSQL a LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tlkp_PTO_Plan_Basis b ON a.simfield = b.simfield Attitude is Everything
  11. danceman

    Help needed with a query

    select usrID, count(usrID) from Yourtable WHERE useID LIKE '%test%' This will count all usrID's that have test in the field 'test%' = all usrID's with test at the first part of the field Attitude is Everything
  12. danceman

    Help with Counting Distinct

    DISTINCT is not needed in this. COUNT(localaddr) with the group by localaddr is the key. If you want to get a listing based on localaddr count add HAVING SELECT LocalAddr, COUNT(LocalAddr) FROM firsttbl GROUP BY LocalAddr HAVING COUNT(LocalAddr) > 3 Attitude is Everything
  13. danceman

    Update data from excel using DTS

    Create a ODBC link to the excel file. If not already installed, you may need to install the driver excel driver. Attitude is Everything
  14. danceman


    instead of "If present open it and save it as AARVARK,ANN,01 January 1985... move on to the next one. " RENAME FileName1 TO FileName2 Attitude is Everything
  15. danceman

    Reading Excel file like a table

    obj.Application.Workbooks(1).SaveAs('tresults.dbf',xlDBF4) this will save the file as a dbf file Attitude is Everything
  16. danceman

    please detailed help about offline views

    lot to cover, try going to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/ do a search on HOWTO: Set Up an Offline View in Visual FoxPro As with online data, analyze your requirements before creating offline views to determine the design of the views you will need in the offline database. Once you know the...
  17. danceman

    Datasesion count

    If local workstations have hard drives with plenty of free space, you can improve performance by placing these temporary work files on the local drive or in a RAM drive. Redirecting these files to a local drive or a RAM drive increases performance by reducing access to the network drive. You...
  18. danceman

    VFP Questions

    try placing the VFP program and the runtime on the server. This will reduce network traffic. Plading the querys on the server. Attitude is Everything
  19. danceman

    VFP5 and 7: Determine last row of a Excel spreadsheet

    ' Get the number of rows of the selection. RowCount = Selection.Rows.Count ' Get the number of columns of the selection. ColumnCount = Selection.Columns.Count ' Activate the last cell of the selection. Selection.Cells(RowCount, ColumnCount).Activate Attitude...
  20. danceman

    Active X control quiestion

    BCL Drake COM Object is a convenient way to programmatically access BCL Drake's PDF to Word / RTF conversion module, giving you a way to maximize efficiency in a way that no prepackaged software can. http://www.bcltechnologies.com/document/products/drake/drake_com.htm Attitude is Everything

Part and Inventory Search
