Hi guys,
I'm using the Windows MCI to write a program. One of the status commands I'm using returns information I need about the levels in both the left and right audio channels in a dword. The low-order word is the right channel and the high-order word is the left channel.
How do I seperate...
Hmmm. Fixed it. The error from FF led me to investigate the code of the box. It was missing id="txtNumPad", but it's name was also set to "txtNumPad". Apparently IE falls back to the element's name if no id is specified, but FF does not?
Hello everyone,
The following line is in an external .js file in the same directory as my html file. It is called when a button is pushed. txtPadNum is a textbox in the html file. In IE, it works perfectly. In Firefox, it does not update the div's innerHTML AT ALL. What doesn't firefox...
First, I'd like to say thanks for all the help so far.
I copied your code into a fresh HTML document and loaded it up on a different computer, and I still get the hourglass cursor. I really have no clue why this is happening. If I go to something like javascriptsource.com and look at some...
I wrote a simple test function to make sure I wasn't somehow stuck in an endless loop.
function checkCode() {
I changed my onload to call this. Still get the hourglass arrow!
Why is this happening!!!
Please! I'm desperate for an answer!
Hey guys,
Just so you know, there were a few little mistakes here and there (mostly with the math) that I've corrected. I won't post an updated version of the code unless you request it. The cursor problem is still there. The encryption/decryption code works as intended. I just ran through...
Sorry. It's an encryption program that uses one-time pads. It's kind of hard to follow the logic since it's undocumented. I'm porting it from visual basic. Basically, you call cipherText with your alphabet, clear text, key and a 0 or 1 telling whether you're decrypting or encrypting...
In firefox, when I execute my script, the cursor changes to an arrow with an hourglass next to it, and never changes back to normal. Happens on two different computers. Does not happen in IE.
It's not an infinate loop as I have it print to screen right before the end of the functions and...
Thanks, changing the capital I to lowercase and changing the variable name fixed it. I'm porting this from VB where a variable of the same name as the function is returned, so I guess that's how that slipped in there.
Hey -- When I have this javascript in my file and try to execute a function defined after it, the function is never executed. When I remove this piece, it works fine. This leads me to believe that there is something wrong with this bit. Is this a correct assumption? And do you see anything...
Hey guys,
I'd like to build a client/server program that can exchange data. Like
a chat program with one server and all clients connect to that server.
How can I do this with winsock? Do I need to open each connection on a
different port?
I'm not experienced with the winsock control, so...
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