That really sucks because in the coming months I need to add another controller to the IP cluster... so I will need to do it all manual on all controllers... that does suck !!
I think I will start with the basics, at this time the most common use is 4 digit dialing between sites and some DID routing to linked systems.. i.e copper caller to controller A gets rerouted to Ext on controller B. So I guess I would need to share the Tel Directory as well as the IP Networking...
We just upgraded all 7 systems from 4.0 to 6.0 and need to introduce sharing. We do not have resiliency set up nor do I plan on implementing any time soon. So my question is what forms should I share? Just the Tel Directory and networking forms? As you can imagine there are many errors and it...
OK I set the overflow mailbox 3278as a Hunt Group Nametag and set the call routing for 3278 to always go to vmail for 3278 so there is no delay. This works nicely but now I cannot put a MWI on the sets and get 'the directory is in use elsewhere msg' when prgramming the key assignment. How do I...
I set up a Ring Group with two members 3279. This ring group is also set up as destination from main greeting as Transfer only from option 4 (mailbox 4). I created a message only mailbox 3278 and set the overflow on the ring group to go here after 15 secs. When option 4 is selected by outside...
Bringing this back to life. I have had several 5330\5340 do the exact same thing over the past 3 years and was wondering if anyone had found a fix for this. I have found in a few cases that setting a static IP on the phone works but on others the only option is to use 2...
Was origianlly at 128, I changed to 15 and now have updated to 255. Is there a way I can take the port out of DND without being onsite? I know I could register a set from my location to the remote pbx but was wondering if there was another way?
OK.. Not sure why it went to DND since the timer was set to default high value? I changed it to 15 secs. Since I am not onsite I assume I need to do the FAC from a local set so will need to do a site visit. Unless there is a way to do this remotely?
Under Sys Admin\ voice mail you should have MLAA (Multi Level Auto Attendant). You can set up menu nodes and have DID's (Customer service, department numbers, etc) point to these menu nodes. If you only have one main number then you can just set up on admin mailbox's for main greeting of system...
In the past I would just busy the PLID and then perform the RTS command and would work. However this does not seem to work in release MCD 4.0 , I used to get prompted after doing the busy <PLID> command and have to enter 'force' command. I am not getting prompted any longer although the output...
I spoke too soon... this only allows acd calls on originating system to go to a remote skill group.. not add agents from another site to skill group at primary answering point. So if I then put the 1st overflow to this remote skill group with overflow timer set to zero seconds will calls go to...
Location A has a queue and location B would like to have agents log into the queue set up on Location A 3300. We have IP networking so I know an easy way is to register the set(s) in location B to the 3300 at site A. Was wondering if there was another way to do this?? I was thinking I could set...
OK.. after listening to all the Rads I found that they had one of the Rad ports as a member of the embedded vmail hunt group. Once I removed it everything seems ok. Thanks for assistance.
LooyLou... I know how Rads are used :-) since this system was not initially set up by myself it took some...
Thanks for the reply
OK I set the Answer Plus Expected Off Hook Timer to Max 255 value. What should the other answer plus timers be set at for Rad COS? The other timers are AP Delay to msg, AP msg length timer, AP system reroute.The reason I ask is that I am having another issue. It seems that...
I have Rads in DND as apparently the provider forgot to disable DND in COS when they programmed system. I have updated the COS to not allow it and have tried to take the ports out of DND by using DND- Cancel remote feature. When I enter the feature code and port number I am getting not allowed...
Oh well.. that was what I was affraid of.. guess I will give the exact model specs for the current drives and ask them to send me 2 new Mitel prepared drives.
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