...the time, our WEBI environmnet is 6.5 on W2k SP4 against DB2 UDB 8
When a particular user account "prod1" is used to demonstrate the creation of **personal documents** the name that the user chooses for the report is often (but not always) replaced by a string of digits.
For example, I log...
WEBI 6.5: Is there any way of improving the display of twin column Lov's?
From this
to look more like this
We have a query & reporting environment based upon a star schema accessed by the Business Objects WebIntelligence Reporting tool.
I have a fact table of journies. The records have columns for departure and arrival points both as numerical ids and as 3 letter abbreviations.
Dimension tables...
I have a fact table of journies. The records have columns for departure and arrival points both as numerical ids and as 3 letter abbreviations.
Dimension tables hang off of these two columns and users can retrieve details of journies "TO" a destination or "FROM" a start point. Single column...
We have used profile.txt to set a server wide default universe for new WEBI 6.5 users. However this only worked while we had a single Business Objects application. Now a second one is coming on stream requiring a different universe. Is there anyway of setting a default universe for an...
This is just a thought. If you are prepared to automate a rotation of the BO Chart using another tool, why don't you try a more radical approach and get the data into Excel and use the horizontal bar charts facility available in that product?
The forums are full of techniques for getting BO...
A conformed dimension is one that can be applied to more than one datamart.
If you imagine datamarts as building blocks of a datawarehouse then conformed dimensions (i.e. those that "conform" to naming, definition and other corporate standards) will enable you to consolidate the data...
Do you always have data in each of the 3 fields in the first table? Or do you only have data in 1 of the 3 fields?
If this later is the case, could you use CASE or DECODE or NVL (in Oracle, or the equivalents in other DBs) to reduce the potential 3 fields down to one definitive field? If so...
This is the sort of SQL that will work out the value you want
A colleague and I have wrestled for a while now with trying to enhance a prompt embedded within an Oracle Analytical Function.
We would like to offer our uses the ability to compute Moving Averages over 3, 6 or 12 month period. As Oracle considers the current month part of the set, our prompts...
You could define objects with hints as their definition, they will not pass the "parse" check but they run fine when combined with other objects. Of course you will need to pick the hint object before any others so that it follows the select
Would it be possible for your SP to be modified to return a message to indicate no results found? This way at least one row is always returned to BO and it can distribute the report with the message returned from the SP
Can someone shed some light upon the advantages and disadvantages of the joining strategies in BRIO 6.6?
There are these options
Use all joined Topics
Use the minimum number of Topics
Use all referenced Topics
Use defined Join paths
Use Automatic join path generator
A co-worker of...
This fix might be all you need -
Click on View->Refresh Structure
This will re-read the data dictionary and update for any changes that have occurred in the DB and not yet drawn through into the Universe.
Another possibility is that you are running designer against a customised strategy...
Have you thought about creating an Alias of your table?
This way you could have your two variations of an object looking at one version of the same table each. This should resolve the "ANDing" problem.
I've tried to replicate your problemm, but I don't get 3 empty cells.
The section header content comes from your data, its very similar to a break heading.
You might get the results you need by inserting a cell above your table and putting "Attendees" in the cell
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