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Search results for query: *

  1. vganeshbabu

    Index tuning wizard

    I found it.. it needs administrator privilleges.. my login did not had it.. now it is fixed.. Thanks guys.. Ganesh
  2. vganeshbabu

    Index tuning wizard

    Hi George, Still I am seeing the index tuning wizard - disabled after writing the query or load the query thru a sql file also.. Looks like INdex tuning wizard is not install, is there a way to install it separate ? Ganesh
  3. vganeshbabu

    Index tuning wizard

    I checked it.. but it is disabled.. Ganesh
  4. vganeshbabu

    Index tuning wizard

    Hi hmckillop, I went there but it is not listed there.. it only shows "Register Server Wizard".. Ganesh
  5. vganeshbabu

    Index tuning wizard

    Hi, How do i install the index tuning wizard?? I have installed the sql 2000 enterprise edition both client & Db. But now ablt to find the Index tuning wizard.. Please Help Thanks & Regards, V.Ganesh Babu
  6. vganeshbabu

    Log changes to data

    this should be ok.. Ganesh
  7. vganeshbabu

    Log changes to data

    Try using triggers for that table. u will be able to get the old values and the new values, u can update them to a new table.. Ganesh
  8. vganeshbabu

    run stored procedure in excel ?

    yes u can, create a macro and do the vb code to run the stored procedure from Excel
  9. vganeshbabu

    Insert Into Problem Error

    Try this sSQL = "Insert into TLogin (Firstname,lastname,username,password) Values" & "('"& Ucase(Request("firstname")) & "', '"& Request("lastname") & "', '"& Request("userid") & "', '" &...
  10. vganeshbabu

    Help with T-SQL and jobs

    enjoy your learning.. for self solving these issues u can always search things in http://www.google.com
  11. vganeshbabu

    Can I change the name of my server?

    i would always prefer windows authentication. if windows authentication - it uses the authentication of the user who runs it..
  12. vganeshbabu

    Help with T-SQL and jobs

    check this link.. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/tsqlref/ts_ca-co_2f3o.asp it returns the output of date in a specified format for 107 it is Mon dd,yy
  13. vganeshbabu

    Can I change the name of my server?

    there are ways u can have server names in variables and form the whole SQL as a string an execute. but u will have so many issues in it and maintaining them.. It is always good to use the hardcoded server name..
  14. vganeshbabu

    Help with T-SQL and jobs

    try this out UPDATE dbo.Execsum set AP=(SELECT sum(amt_1 + amt_2) from APOPNFIL_SQL) WHERE convert(char,datefield,107) = convert(char,GETDATE(),107)
  15. vganeshbabu

    ASP Send Mail Function

    hi, check this link.. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cdo/html/_denali_bcc_property_cdonts_newmail_object_.asp
  16. vganeshbabu

    PM Docs, Statement of Work

    This link has a tool which will help u in creating a statement of work.. but u have to buy this software.. http://www.ittoolkit.com/statement_of_work.htm and here is one already made http://ecommerce.ncsu.edu/studio/templates/stmnt_of_work_tem.doc
  17. vganeshbabu

    ASP url Variable to insert database

    Hi, that was my question too in my earlier post.. this will not work the way u r looking at because if u use method="post" in form tag it will not send values in query string. so u have to use hidden input tag and store the message ID and then get it using...
  18. vganeshbabu

    Mid doesn't work?

    so did my answer help?? [thumbsup2]
  19. vganeshbabu

    Mid doesn't work?

    MID (string, first_char, num_chars) is the syntax for the function - u had missed an argument.
  20. vganeshbabu

    Mid doesn't work?

    try using mid$ instead of mid

Part and Inventory Search
