I have tried this, but have only succeeded in changing the title of the window, I can't change individual text boxes within it.
I have also done some coding to display the contents of text boxes but I can't moduify these contents.
Could you please help.
I have two applications to which I dont own the code. One has an API from which I can extract data and the other is a VB application.
What I want to know is if it is possible to automate the transfer data from the first application to the other. I.e once the data is extracted, propergate...
I think you may have misunderstood me.
Both of these will calculate a summary but it will running total fields. If you place the formula at the group footer or report footer levels they will have the required result but only after the details fields have been filled.
I want to fill the...
I need to calculate the percentage of a total for each member of a group. The thing is the percentage should be calculated AFTER the total figure is arrived at.
I can do it with a sub report where the total figure is calculated and passed through a shared variable but I'm sure there must be...
Hi reebo,
What is I tried the format .ParameterFields(1) = "fromDate;20010101;true" and .ParameterFields(1) = "fromDate;2001,01,01;true" and both dont work.
I dont unserstand Date(YYYY,MM,DD) on visual basic, Date is not a function, I even tried cDate(yyyy,mm,dd) but that dosent work either...
Hi! This problem is driving me crazy,
I'm trying to pass a date parameter into a report through VB. My Code is as follows
With CrystalReport1
.ReportTitle = frmMain.strRptName
.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\test.rpt"
.ParameterFields(0) = "fromDate;" & txtDateFrom.Text & ";true"...
I keep getting this error everytime I try to view my report from a VB application. It works fine on crystal reports.
Strangely I got this error quite recently.
Im running a VB5 application with an access database. Can someone help me because Im going quite crazy.
Appreciate it
See I need to do this daily report for airlines and since this is a daily report it should show the cumilative sales of the airline tickets up to that date as a balance brought forward. This I would like at the top of the report but I can only use the variable at the bottom after I accumilate...
Is there any way to display a formula on a report before it is evaluated, for example I have this report that has formula that calculates the sum in the details fields as sum = sum + detailvalue. This is placed in the page footer section. I heed this formula to display at the top of the...
Can anyone tell me how to create a balance brought forward field like this…
Say I have a report that I run from the 15th of the month, I want a sum of transactions up till that day as a balance brought forward. E.g.
Bal B/f 10,000 -> sum of all transactions till the 15th of the month...
Ya, I know, I would have sorted that out after I figured out why I was getting an error in the formula editor. Little steps forward Naith. Maximum won't work because if this worked there would be other procedures stemming from the value of count1. The ultimate goal would be to gove a detailed...
Ok this is my code in basic syntax
Dim Amt1 As Number
Dim count1 As Number
count1 = 1
Amt1 = (Nthlargest(1, {TAirTrans.FATrFare},{TAirTrans.FATrSINo}))
Do while Amt1 <> Nthlargest(count1, {TAirTrans.FATrFare},{TAirTrans.FATrSINo})
count1 = count1 + 1
formula = count1
but when I look...
One small problem is that I cant use the details section in this report because theres a lot I have to put in it for example a pax count which could go up to 5 different combinations. What Im currently doing is putting formulas all over the place. Is this possible in the report header and footer...
The results are wonky it's not a product of the numbers involved for example when Im expecting 100,000 from the break up of 4 tickets consisting of 35000 * 2 and 15,000 * 2, I get 144,000.
There are two tables TairTrans which stores details of the invoice, ticket numbers, fares, pax names etc and TRoute which stores route details for the "FIRST" ticket. The logic here is that if there is a group booking (i.e. a booking with more than 1 pax, all the pax in the invoice...
...3 111 750.00
lets say I print invoice #1, is it possible to get a break up like this. I cant use the details field
Invoice #1
1000.00 * 1 = 1000.00
750.00 * 1 = 750.00
500.00 * 2 = 1000.00
Is this possible?
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