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Search results for query: *

  1. PeterWallace

    pass a RecordSet field to Function

    In vb6 I can read a Table .... get a field in that Table then pass it to a function to see if it is Null .... My prob is not working out IF it is NULL but haow to Pass the Field to Function e.g Public Function IsNumFieldNull(ByVal fld As Field) As Object Is there an equivalent In...
  2. PeterWallace

    Report Viewer in Visusal Studio 2010 express

    Hi, I have visual studio 2010 Express and I want to create report, I have downloaded the ReportViewer and added to the reference in the project. I went to Toolbox and make the right click. the choose item is not displayed to select report Viewer, event though the reporting group is not...
  3. PeterWallace

    ALTERing a table in an External Database file

    Try This Sql = "Alter Table Recon Add Column Reconlevel Long" AddThisColumn Sql Sub AddThisColumn(Sql As String) Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim ConectString As String ConectString = "Provider=MSDataShape;Data Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & TheDatabase Set rs = New...
  4. PeterWallace

    Help on sql Statement

    SkipVought Thank You I found another solution for the Times when I use for input to a DataReport about 40% of the Time I need Make the DataFormat Boolean and Use The OPtions for True and False to Display Answer Peter
  5. PeterWallace

    Help on sql Statement

    I have a table something like Tno as Long Rego as String State as string Front as Boolean What I would like to know is how can I write SQL so that can Select Rego , State ... AND if Front is True Then want answer as a String "FRONT If Front is False I want answer as a String "REAR"...
  6. PeterWallace

    How to add a blank Field to recordset

    Thank You PVH That does the job very nicely I knew it as possible and simple .. ( exactly the sort of thing that gives me trouble ) I had no success Searching Tek-Tips and/or Internet to find out how to do this ... every search I did ended up with how to add a Field to a Table ( Something I...
  7. PeterWallace

    How to add a blank Field to recordset

    I want to ( and can do ) select fields from a table and load them into a MSFFlexgrid but I need an Extra column in the Grid where User can enter data e.g select Given , Surname from DenamesTable ... and on the grid I want another column called (e.g) Position I can call a field of same type...
  8. PeterWallace


    Thanks genomon, strongm I had tried strongm suggestion ... That is how I got it up on my Desk Top M/c six months ago ........ but the *very Bad words* Laptop ,was shall we say , assisting the handicapper. I removed Visual Basic From The Lap Top... Downloaded MDAC RE-Installed Visual Basic...
  9. PeterWallace


    Thanks genomon Pretty sure SP6 Loaded ( but will Check ) as for the MDAC 2.6 ... I will check out and see what the *Handicapper* intends for the rest of my day Peter
  10. PeterWallace


    On one machine my VB6 has Project Bar has ADD DATA ENVIRONMENT AND ADD DATA REPORT On the Other VB6 Project Bar has ADD DATA ENVIRONMENT but The ADD DATA REPORT is nowhere to be found Does any body know how I can add the option to the Project Pull Down sub Menu Thank you In Advance Peter
  11. PeterWallace


    dilettante Thank You for the assistance in solving my problem apology for caps lock .... ( did not actually realise it was on ) apology for LayOut but Preview looked allright ... will do better next time but for those who may come latter and might appreciate the code then DIM ColName as...
  12. PeterWallace


    I am trying to Make all the Text fields in a Table "ALLOW ZERO LENGTH" This sample code is supposed to do just That SOME TEXT COLS in the Table already allow Zero Length Some DO NOT BUT ALL Text Columns on the Table report That COLUMN.Attribute = adColNullable ( I E 2 ) No Matter what...
  13. PeterWallace

    Using With in a Loop

    strongm ... I know that it does not get written to memory Was trying to keep it simple and brief Pedantic is not my strong point ( although I know that there are times)
  14. PeterWallace

    Using With in a Loop

    ...an ARRAY DIM ww( 0 to 4 ) as string For J = 0 to 4 WW(j) = "Sheet" & str(ll) 'eg Sheet1 Sheet2 Sheet3 Next OR TYPE WWitem Sheet as string * 30 Cell as Long END TYPE DIM WW(0 to 4) as WWitem For J = 0 to 4 WW(j).sheet = "Sheet" & str(ll) 'eg Sheet1 Sheet2 Sheet3...
  15. PeterWallace

    Back to home screen

    Windows 7 64 ... latest Microsoft IE Am Trying Linney fix as per quartzan suggestion Peter
  16. PeterWallace

    UpDate On Table - Bug .. at Least for Me

    ...at the Table after creation and It holds all the data Perhaps If I close the connection at same time as close Table it may solve I have let grids *do the Majic* and works ... but as said I found this when using option to delete One or Maybe 2 lines from a grid that will never have more than...
  17. PeterWallace

    UpDate On Table - Bug .. at Least for Me

    I have a few forms that display data in Grid ..... There s an Option to Delete a row However where I have taken shortcut of DELETING Record from Table and simply reloading the grid ... Often the Deleted record STILL shows .... I have put in a WAIT A BIT 1 sec routine, after Closing The...
  18. PeterWallace

    Back to home screen

    Is anybody else having to problem where click on thred Read Thred Click BACK Icon End Up back as Sign On ( Home) Page ?
  19. PeterWallace

    trouble with apostrophe

    Set up a function Public Function PutQuotes(ByRef txtToQuote As String) As String Dim iASCII As Integer iASCII = 34 PutQuotes = Chr(iASCII) & txtToQuote & Chr(iASCII) End Function and use as WERE AName = " & PutQuotes(ASKFOR)
  20. PeterWallace

    Add Datareport to Project Tab

    will check and reply Peter

Part and Inventory Search
