You would have to have a parameter that you could input the number of 'empty' records you will need, so that the report will pass empty data rows to the report for the number of previously used labels. Overwrite your Fetch method and create a loop to pass blank records for the number equal to...
You should override the ObtainSelectStatement to modify the Select, From and Where clauses; not the Start method. What version of Actuate are you using? I have in the past done something else to avoid having to manually bind the variables to the data row.
Create a query which will return all...
Depending on the complaexity of the grouping/sorting that you need, you can remove the value you have for the key in your group section (leaving it blank) or removing the group section completely. Then you can averride the ObtainSelectStatement, making sure that your code in the method is...
I've not done it myself, but found this on another site:
It's possible to use Microsoft Exchange as a datasource by using DAO and Microsoft Jet Exchange installable ISAM. This ISAM is a driver by which you will be able to Access Exchange Data by DAO. ISAM driver comes with Outlook and MS...
Create a global variable (Tools...Parameters...Add); then in the data row's OnRead( ) set the global variable to equal the data row variable.
Put a control (text, I assume) on the page list and set it's ValueExp to be that of the global variable.
If you want to link to another ROX just do the following for your link expression:
"ProjectTeamMembers.rox?ProjectID=""" & [ProjectId] & """"
The added quotes are for string values being enclosed in quotes.
I imagine you're following Actuate's example report then, since you're using iterator? I rarely, if ever, use the iterator methodology when using the MIF.
This is what my Fetch of the MIF looks like:
Function Fetch( ) As AcDataRow
'Set Fetch = Super::Fetch( )
' Insert your code here...
If you can't do this is the SQL -- as in using textual query -- I would opt to create a new variable on the datarow. Then, in the datarow's OnRead( ) method, perform the same logic that you showed here in the posting, setting the new datarow variable to equal the values of the other fields.
Sorry, I should have been more clear. We use the SP builder, so the input parameters are defined to the report there. However, because of the complexity of our reports (all reports have the ability to burst other reports and extensive sequential sections) global variables are set to the values...
DoH! As I was re-reading your first post it stuck out that you did indeed specify one connection; sorry.
Can you explain a little more what it is you're attempting to do? And, have you set any break points to step thru to make sure the second query is returning data? If you're merging the...
Not sure about this and wildcards:
The relative file path.
If the file is found, the absolute path to the file.
If the file is not found, an empty string.
Call FindFile to resolve a relative file name by searching...
Then I guess it depends on when you get your value to pass to the stored proc. Where does the value come from? The reports I work on all use SP's (SQL Server) and the SP's have the input parms defined; the values are set in the data stream START methods of Actuate.
However, we use a fairly...
The following statement deletes all files in the Windows directory
C:\Discard that have an extension of .doc:
Kill C:\Discard\*.doc
Kill is similar to the operating system commands ERASE and DEL.
Be careful in how you use Kill, especially if you include...
SQL Server, or Oracle? Are you creating temp tables, and doing your final select from there? With Oracle, you will have to manually bind the variables to the data row; SQL Server you shouldn't have to do that; you should be able to get the fields once you 'run' the Stored Procedure Data Source...
Are you using one connection control, or two -- one for each data source? Sometimes the data base you use will determine this, as SQL Server sometimes will require two connections.
With Oracle you can usually get away with one connection, but with SQL Server, as you have found out, there often is a problem with more than one query source per connection.
Glad you found your solution.
It is possible, but requires quite a bit of code. You have to check for the amount of remaining space in the flow prior to starting your summary, and you have to know ahead of time how much space your summary will take. I know of an example -- if I can find it -- and if I can get it posted...
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