Multisignaling on phones from a single box is missing too ... waiting for it in CP 4.
We just did try to migrate with a strong usage of mail (IVR/Mail/Access) in Call Center, and you've got to be cautious about do and don't. Except that, fine product for everyday usage.
Thanks a lot for these answers.
So there are workarounds, but no way to avoid interrupted calls using Give Ivr, but only Route Call to CP.
I did understand, and i'll do with it :)
Once more, thanks to all, and have very good end of year !
don't know if it will do with yuor requester, but with Access, i did always use the #.
Example :
FROM dbo_iAgentBySkillsetStat
where timestamp = #12/12/2005#
returns to you all the lines where month/day/year = 12/12/2005 (without problems around hour and format)
Hope i did...
please excuse my lack of knowledge about Call Pilot, but we are migrating lately from a MMail 13, using mostly Access.
We are meeting a problem with CCS (4.2, 5.0 in some days), which seems to be without a solution, but i am very surprised : a GIVE IVR using as TREATMENT a mailbox seems to...
if you did change of network, including Ip address, i think that 'dsedit' (start/run) could help you, changing the Ip for the Rtd client part ...
If you problem is other one, could you describe what you mean by 'network' ?
i may be too late, but according to what you did write, you're looking at Agents datas
The 'on hold' is when the agent do put back the caller on waiting on music, after answering him : it's part of the call, but with no talk.
I've difficulty to understand (as my reports are now in french)...
during the call, you'll see only Network Cdn.
During the ringing (presentation), you'll see the original name of the Cdn on the phone, allowing the agent to answer with the correct company or service name. So you can try with agents on manual answer mode, and not auto answer.
No other way...
If i do understand well, you can customise the Sql statemement, but not modify the clid appearing (system variable). It was what i was trying to explain in my answer : concatenete two strings in the request (870 and clid), but not change it in the script.
Sorry if my answer was not... send Sql requests to an external Dbms, and was doing the change in the Sql request, not in the script (you can't there). It would be in MS Access (or in Smart Route, the famous french tool :) ) something like "SELECT * from xxx where number = "870"&CLID and ..."
Hope it will help
Are you not exceeding the number of Phantom DN on your SL or shelf, or the ones described in your key code sheet.
If the agents do receive Acd Calls, and not Dn Calls, the Meridian do see them well. If the call on the Dn goes directly to the Mail, then it's because the FDN was not automatically...
Genesys was, during a time, property of Alcatel, so made more for Csta, not for Tapi. So far as i know, Tserver can work wih Meridian Link, using the Symposium as gateway (same way as NTSP), but i think that the solution with a Tapi Server is better, to trace problems.
I know examples of...
i know only the CCS 4.2, but you have from the 1.0 to this release the 'Affectation' (in french) option (just under the Scripts and variables, in the classical client).
You will be able to build a matrix (looking like an excel sheet), with agents in lines, and skills in rows, and then...
technically you can, having same Elan (and Ip, only one on each Cpu, and one active in all), but a new VSId. I did try that some years ago, not with a CCS but with two different generations of NTSP with Direct Connect. According to cgilmer, i would say that it's not ... wise. You will...
officially, at least in france, it's not supported.
We are using a, a little more than on year old, so there may have been some good patch or upgrade.
i've difficulties to have Cdn without ICdn table on the display.
What you should try is :
create (or modify, if your user has his own) a new Access Class, enabling it to create and execute any report for :
Reports,Agent Perf, Call by Call, Other (down on the list).
Having been testing it...
For some customers, we had to make the process automatic, and we did it with Access: knowing the average and max delay before abandon, and the fact that the event 41 (abd) had to be happening after the 43 (call arrived) , we requested, that for each callid having a '41' event :
we are using a NCC for two CCS 4.2, and it's working quite well : easy solution, easy to integrate.
The only lack at my opinion is in the few readable reports, but for the calls, it's working great.
I did test for a big mail-ordering company the Cisco/Geotel, distributed by France...
you're right, the Clid is only in the event 43, and you have no other choice than to link two 'select' :
1/ to find the Callid for all the 41 you're looking for
2/ to link them to obtain the eventdata field from the 43 event
Beware : more than often, the callid is duplicated in the same...
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