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Search results for query: *

  1. Patrick2002

    Shrink Database

    Hi, just execute this in Query analyser : backup log your_DB_Name with no_log DBCC SHRINKDATABASE (N'your_DB_Name', 0,TRUNCATEONLY) works like a charm for me ...
  2. Patrick2002

    help with Linked Servers in SQL Server

    Right there in the books online, topic "OLE DB provider for JET" : To create a linked server to access an Access database Execute sp_addlinkedserver to create the linked server, specifying Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 as provider_name, and the full path name of the Access .mdb database...
  3. Patrick2002

    Blocking on Select

    Blocking can be such a pain ! I'm afraid there is rarely a single easy answer to this type of problems. Read about it in the online Microsoft Knowledge base article 224453. It contains info about what causes blocking and how to monitor/resolve it. Good luck in solving your problem, Patrick
  4. Patrick2002

    How to change SQL Server name..

    Read books online on topics "sp_dropserver" and "sp_addserver". If you don't use these stored procs after renaming the machine, the system tables will still contain the old servername. If your server has the same name as the machine, use the 'local' parameter in sp_addserver...
  5. Patrick2002

    DTS Import - Invalid Object

    Difficult to say from a distance. If you have any doubts about the naming, read the following : Rules for Regular Identifiers The rules for the format of regular identifiers are dependent on the database compatibility level, which can be set with sp_dbcmptlevel. For more information, see...
  6. Patrick2002

    Copy SQL Server DB, Config

    You might also wanna check if there are logins you need to create on your "new" server. Also take a look if there are no linked servers that exist (and thus have to be defined). You might also wanna take a look at existing jobs and DTS packages. We even had a case where developers had...
  7. Patrick2002

    Sudden performance drop - system unuseable

    This is the first paragraph of the topic "Rebuilding an index" in the BOL : When you create an index in the database, the index information used by queries is stored in index pages. The sequential index pages are chained together by pointers from one page to the next. When changes...
  8. Patrick2002

    Can SQL Profiler be used without "SA" rights ?

    MKAL, thank you for replying, but this is something we actually experienced. Is there anyone out there who can at least confirm that we're not hallucinating ? [dazed]
  9. Patrick2002

    Evaluating NULL in SP WHERE clause

    the problem is that ANSI_NULLS were ON when you created the stored procedure. If you take a script of the procedure, you will see that it starts with something like if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[sp_nameoftheprocedure]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id...
  10. Patrick2002

    Can SQL Profiler be used without "SA" rights ?

    I guess the subject sums it up pretty well. In the organisation I work in, the DBA job got kind of split up in two : the "system" guys and the "application" guys. Being one of the "system" guys, my job is to make sure the server runs smoothly, backups are being...
  11. Patrick2002

    Primary Key field design for multiple locations

    Take a look at the relationships in the Pubs database (make a diagram adding all user tables, that's easier). You'll find that your problem somewhat ressembles the relationship between the tables titles, stores and sales. You'll find that your own second solution is in the right direction, but...
  12. Patrick2002

    Accessing SQL Server 7.0 from SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager

    We've been doin' this some time, and there ARE issues. e.g. when making a DTS package on a SQL 7, by using Enterprise Manager version 2000. Couldn't get them to run by a schedule. We reconfigured a workstation with sql 7 and made the exact same packages, and that worked. But then, it may depend...
  13. Patrick2002

    Global Update of Email Notification List via a System table?

    I don't see how, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. See if the experts on this forum can figure it out, I'm real curious too. In the mean time : if all your DTS packages send mail to at least one common address, you could consider automatically forwarding it from that address to your own...
  14. Patrick2002

    Access to SQL conversion

    Do you have the database in SQL Server, or did you create a linked server to the Access DB ? Why don't you just explain what you want to do with which fields, that 'll be easier. This is, after all, no Access forum ;)
  15. Patrick2002

    How to trim .bak file

    Sounds you guys are doing manually what can be done by the built-in maintenance plan wizard. We've been using that for the past year, and it works just fine. Backupfiles are automatically named with date/time in the name, and you can specify how long you want to keep the file, after which it is...
  16. Patrick2002

    Help with data migration

    I'd say make sure your tblAllocation contains a field of the same datatype as your billing_ID. Then write a script (possibly using a cursor) that compares every row from your tblAllocation to the data in your tblBilling (provided you still have a column to make the match) and updates the key...
  17. Patrick2002

    Send an Email from Stored Procedure

    Why make it so hard on yourself to send a mail from a SP ? just use master..xpsendmail with the correct parameters...it's a breeze. But setting things up so that it works can be a pain. Read all about it on the following page, and in BOL of course ...
  18. Patrick2002

    Login failed for user 'abcd'.Reason Not associated with trusted SQl Se

    I seem to remember having had the same problem some months ago, but I'm not sure if and how we corrected this. Maybe you can do something with this : 1. are you in a mixed NT/Win 2K network ? trusted security sometimes screws up depending on the installed service packs etc on different machines...
  19. Patrick2002

    "Scrambled" results from remote stored procedure

    I tried to reproduce this behaviour between two SQL 2000 machines, but that works just fine. So I thought it's a sql 7 thing and tried that, but it's fine too. Do you have the latest Service pack for SQL and MDAC installed on both machines ? Good luck
  20. Patrick2002

    Grant error on stored procedure

    Maybe your "problem SP" needs access to objects for which you do not have grant privileges ? Consult BOL on topic "Using ownership chains". Hope you find what you're looking for. Greetz, Patrick

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