Sally: In all versions of CorelDraw, you assign a fill colour to an object by selecting the object and clicking on a colour in the colour palette. You can assign an outline colour by shift-clicking the same colour palette.
If the colour palette isn't shown, look in the Window menu for Colour...
What version are you using?
In your tools menu, do you have a colour management entry? And if so, what preset is selected in it?
For commercial printing, you should have the "professional output" option, though having chosen it you may need to go back to the design and adjust your colours.
Are you printing the two halves on different sheets, to get a final result that is twice the size of each sheet?
If so, one answer is "tiled output" which you can select at print time.
Printing on clear plastic paper makes very little difference so far as CorelDraw is concerned, except that...
If you select view > wireframe corelDraw will display the outlines of objects, but not fill them.
In older versions, objects which were not filled or are displayed in wireframe view could be selected only by clicking on their outline. Clicking inside the outline would not select the object...
That sounds a bit like the traditional wireframe behaviour. Can you drag it if you click on the extreme edge, and does it make a difference whether the object is filled?
Your problem may be caused because you don't have colour management, rather than the other way round.
By turning CM off, the screen will not be showing a true representation of the colours in your file -- and therefore when you print them, whether via PDF of otherwise, you are likely to get the...
Is this a colour advert, and you want to be sure that you don't have blacks printing as 100C 100M 100Y 100K but need them reduced to perhaps 30 30 30 100 ?
Personally, I'd start by NOT putting colours like that into the design -- though maybe if you've imported elements from elsewhere it might... becomes a jpeg its too late to separate any components it may once have had.
If all you now have is the jpeg, then it is too late. You need to recreate the design making sure to keep all the objects separate and save as CPT *without* first making a jpeg or allowing the objects to be...
CorelDraw may display a different colour due to the colour management you have selected.
You may need to experiment with the options under the Tools : Colour Management until you get the visual result you would like, both when editing in CorelDraw and in the finished output.
At a guess, it is...
Jpegs are single layer bit image files, so there is nothing to ungroup.
If you created the jpeg in another program and had more than one object there, you will need to save it in a format other than jpeg -- maybe WMF or EPS (or CPT from photopaint).
You need the trace tool, though I'm not sure where you would find it in version 12.
It was a separate program (CorelTrace) in older releases and may appear in the Corel applications group in your Start menu. If not, you may need to go back and reinstall making sure to select the trace program...
The default installation probably does not install a lot of fonts. You have to select additional fonts at install time, if you need them.
Its best not to install too many additional fonts though, because that will slow down your system. Instead, go to the Bitstream font navigator (installed...
Try file : save as and then give the document a new name. If the resulting file is smaller, then it may have omitted the clutter.
Alternatively, create a new document and import the old. Again, there's a reasonable possibility that the clutter will not be copied.
If that still doesn't result...
I've not used Corel on a mac, so there may be some differences. But you can try either double clicking on the ruler or go to menu "Tools" : "Options". If you then get an "Options" window, look for Workspace : Snap to Objects. You probably want most of those options ticked. Especially Modes:Node...
Not sure if I have your intentions right, but you want to "deform" a rectangular image by slightly moving one or more of its corners in or out, and having the pixels in the original rectangle remap themselves to new positions in proportion to those movements ... ???
Photopaint can do that :
You could also try other print-to-PDF drivers such as DeskPDF but will probably find similar problems, depending on default settings which may not be optimum.
When printing from CorelDraw, two ways to reduce the file size:
a) use the "Bitmap Downsampling" settings. In X4 this is under the MISC...
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