Right. I understand that. What I'm saying is that w/in the same Crystal session it prompts me each time to enter the db/server password. Any idea how to ensure it doesn't prompt from report to report?
Crystal Reports v.9
After installing Crystal v.9 I've noticed that each time I access various reports w/in one Crystal session I'm prompted to input the login credentials to the db. Is it possible to set this once from w/in Crystal so that it doesn't prompt me each time I access a...
NEVERMIND, I got it.
If {CONTACT2.UGSTVALUE} = '0.0' then "Not Yet Renewed"
else (If (isnull({CONTACT2.UGSTVALUE})) then "Not Yet Renewed" else "Renewed")
Crystal 8.5
Goldmine 6.0
I'm trying to say the following w/my formula,
If fieldname (CONTACT2.UGSTVALUE) is equal to "0.00" OR
If fieldname (CONTACT2.UGSTVALUE) is empty then "Not Yet Renewed" else "Renewed"
I have the following,
IF (isnull({CONTACT2.UGSTVALUE})) then "Not Yet Renewed" else...
GM 6.0
Crystal 8.5
I need to know how I would phrase the following for my record selection formula,
{CONTACT2.USTOPSRVDT} is not empty
This is what I have but I don't think Crystal is recognizign "IS NULL"
The only thing that was physically input into the reference field was "Product A". The "(oc: John Smith) is being picked up from whomever was listed as the "contact" in the "contact" field.
GM ver. 6.0
Crystal 8.5
My report has the "Reference" field from an Activity (Sale) and I need it to only return the data that a person would actually input NOT the customer contact information.
For example, a rep. completes a sale. When running the report it displays the "reference" field as...
I'm running a SQL query in GM and I'm stuck.
My current query looks for all "additional contacts" where the company is "RIA"
select contact1.key1, contact1.company, contact1.contact, contact1.address1, contact1.city, contact1.state, contact1.zip, contsupp.contact from contsupp JOIN contact1
Crystal 8.5
GoldMine 6.0
I've designed a report that is a "weekly activity report" for sales reps. Currently my report has the record selection "Last full Week", however, I need to have the ability to run this either weekly or monthly.
When launching the report, I want it to prompt the user...
I just noticed something. When I uncheck the "Keep together" box, it only groups the last two users together. Each of the others begin on a new page even if the entire page isn't utilized.
I did have "Keep Group Together" checked. When I uncheck, it prints on the same page.
When I had it checked, it did not - which is what I want. My problem is that it's inserting a blank page (w/the group header) before each "user" section.
I did have "Keep Group Together" checked. When I uncheck, it prints on the same page.
When I had it checked, it did not - which is what I want. My problem is that it's inserting a blank page (w/the group header) before each "user" section.
Crystal 8.5
Goldmine 6.0
I've designed an 'activity report' that lists the "activity" of a particular person. In my report I have one group and one detail section.
My report looks a little something like this:
Group Header #1: [Group #1 Name]
Column headings: USERID Activity Date...
In response to Kchaudhry:
Once I create the formula where do I put it on the report? Do I replace my current field object [rectype] with the formula I created?
In response to rosemaryl:
I'm very new to Crystal, how do I create a case statement and where would I (or do I) put this on the report?
Crystal 8.5
Goldmine database
I'm creating an activity report that lists the activities (pulling from CONTHIST.RECTYPE) in the Detail section. The problem is that GM doesn't present the activity name, but rather picks up a 1-2 character "code" for the activity instead.
GM Tech Support sent me...
In my report, I have a group and a detail section (that I need).
The group breaks the report out by "user".
The detail section shows data such as activities and each activity has it's own code (for example, "A"=Appt., "CO"=Outgoing call, "CI"=Incoming call, etc.)
I want to get a total of each...
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