Crystal 8.5
Goldmine 6.0
I'm trying to say the following w/my formula,
If fieldname (CONTACT2.UGSTVALUE) is equal to "0.00" OR
If fieldname (CONTACT2.UGSTVALUE) is empty then "Not Yet Renewed" else "Renewed"
I have the following,
IF (isnull({CONTACT2.UGSTVALUE})) then "Not Yet Renewed" else "Renewed"
But, I don't know what to add to say:
If fieldname (CONTACT2.UGSTVALUE) is equal to "0.00"
I've tried several things, but I'm not getting it.
Goldmine 6.0
I'm trying to say the following w/my formula,
If fieldname (CONTACT2.UGSTVALUE) is equal to "0.00" OR
If fieldname (CONTACT2.UGSTVALUE) is empty then "Not Yet Renewed" else "Renewed"
I have the following,
IF (isnull({CONTACT2.UGSTVALUE})) then "Not Yet Renewed" else "Renewed"
But, I don't know what to add to say:
If fieldname (CONTACT2.UGSTVALUE) is equal to "0.00"
I've tried several things, but I'm not getting it.