horay! I found my problem.
The issue was the phone I was testing from did not have access to the same trunk line that the other phone was forwarding on had. I changed the priority order in 14-05 (trunk groups) to firstly choose a line that all phones have acces to and all is good, Thanks for...
Interesting, your right that I am somehow sending the 716 service code, if i change the offsite phone number it changes the result. But trunk access is set to "9" in 11-09-01, and I did attempt to dial 9 first in the call forward. Any other ideas what I am missing?
I am system adminitrator attemtping to set up & enable call forwarding to an external mobile phone for the first time from a DT400 handset. Call forwarding works internally to other extentions, but when a user attempts to set it up to an external number and we test it on another handset...
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