I wouldn't have the auto-reimport option checked. You should not need to reimport subreports unless you have changed the database structure or the look of the subreport. If this is the case Crystal can be a bit picky at times about recognising the new subreport version and the...
I have always had problems with CR 8.0 and IE 5.0 with the Smart Viewer. Are the other machines that work fine IE 5.0 also? If the other machines are IE 5.5 or newer then you could upgrade the IE 5.0 machine and hopefully solve your problem.
Create a formula field to convert your numeric and use the ToNumber function eg. ToNumber({yourfieldname})
Returns 123.45.
As for the totals, insert your newly created formula to the report in the details section, right click and choose Insert then SubTotal and...
This is the t-sql cursor that I use to create a calendar table for use as a time dimension - hope it helps:
if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[MXCUSTOMCalendarTB]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[MXCUSTOMCalendarTB]
Crystal Reports 8.0: ver
CRW32: ver
reports via URL to IE 5.5
crviewer.dll: ver
printer: Canon iR 5000-6000 plc6
When a user runs a large print job (approx 800 pages, two sub reports per page) - on perhaps 3 or 4 printouts - seemingly at random some text...
The between function will only return you dates between the two you have specified. In this case your dates are 08 06 2002 at 00:00:00:000 time and 08 07 2002 at 00:00:00:000 time. This means you will only get dates between 08 06 2002 at 00:00:00:001 (the first one thousandth of a second of...
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