Thanks for your help you guys. It turns out I was over thinking the problem again. It turns out this works,
on (release) {
printAsBitmap (91, "bframe");
91 as a targeted expresion vs a level.
I thought I had tried both, I must not have.
I have 1 question though. What is a...
I've been thrown a curve ball. My client now wants his flash page to be able to print after the colors have been selected. I can get the illustration to print with the modified colors but I can't get the color list on the bottom right to print with the selected...
Dave, another question. did the .swf file take so long to download or the movie itself? Did the movie load OK for you? I suspect your in europe or england so I'd like to know if there was a problem.
thanks, Gary
Dave, thanks allot! this worked great. but now you have my curiosity peaked about the numbering loop you were speaking of. could you be so kind as show me a sample?
Thanks again, Gary
1st let me just say that you guy's are great to help me out like this.
you can veiw my work here
after the movie loads you can choose a color to get the sub menu and then choose from roof, siding or trim. (I've only worked on the "trim" selections so...
I was intrigued by the reply to "eili" about this. Dave suggested using this code;
On (release)
SetVariable: /:text="<font size="5" color="FFFFFF"><i>davdesign</i></font>"
End On
I haven't gotten this to work so I'm going to need some help. I'm not a...
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
after cuting and pasting your code into my file I realized the normal mode of action script editor placed quotes around my code
on (release) {
boxcolor = "new Color(colorshift)";
boxcolor.setRGB( 0xff0000 );
I must've hade somthing else...
Thanks for your input but I still haven't figured out what I'm doing wrong. The tutorial didn't cover a couple of things I'd like to know. Should the background box and the buttons be on the same layer? dose that matter at all? Also should the button have keyframes in all or any of the 4 states...
It's been years since I worked with Flash 3, so please forgive me. Flash 5 seems less intuitive.
I have poured over books and online help and forums for an answer to this simple problem.
Let me tell you what I have done. I have a button symbol saved as a button, and a simple box symbol saved as...
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