Its setup standard, although I am running full duplex forced instead of auto detecting. Please forgive me if anything I type next seems like amateurs work, but I am new to routing and stuff.
I don't want to plug the switch into the DLink. I just want the Dlink to run its wireless (which will...
I am new to this, so if this is a basic question I apologize.
I have just installed a switch into my network at home (Cisco 2900). Previously, I had everything connected through a DLink router/hub. I have since split the network into three parts: One is my PC, the other is my PS3, the third is...
Oops! Good point... Sorry, i am new to this whole Cisco thing.
I have a Cisco 2611 router with two ethernet ports. I intend internet service to come into e0/0 and connect to my switch (catylist 2900 in port e0/1) to provide internet service to five devices (two wireless, three wired). I have...
I am using a straight thru, and modem IS doing pppoe (whoops). I added those lines, and now my systems pull an ip address.
I believe your correct, I should use the vpdn command to use the router... one tiny problem:
JohnRouter(config-if)#vpdn enable
% Invalid input...
Thank you for your help, everyone.
Okay, I rip. Setup nat to bridge the connections.
when i try to ping google, I get this result:
% Unrecognized host or address, or protocol not running.
Which is a little confusing, here is my sh run:
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 983...
Okay, but why isnt that showing up on my e0/0 interface? it literally keeps saying what you see above. In fact, it never shows an assigned ip address...
I am using e0/0 as my connection to the modem.
Here is the show run:
version 12.3
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname JohnRouter
enable secret 5...
Hi everyone,
I am really really new to Cisco routers and such. I am currently studying to get my CCNA and was fortunate enough to have family members invest is some professional grade routers and switches for me.
I am currently in the process of setting up a small home network for myself...
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