I have developed several Cr2008 reports that are called from a VFP ver.9 application(an exe file). Since its Cr2008, I had to create a form/screen using Visual Studio that uses the Cr2008 ReportViewer. This form is called frokm thr VFP application using shellexecute(0 as the calling...
I have the following code in my application..
CrRptPath =SYS(2023)<
MD &CrRptPath
This returns c:\docume~1\jpower(User's LogIn ID)\locals~1\temp
within my proggram I have the following statement..
COPY to crRptpath+"active_clients_demographics.dbf"
I created a windows form using vb2005. This form is called from a Visual Foxpro applicaition to display a CR2008 report. My problem is that I need to make the windows form modal...and I do not know how to ...
any suggestions greatly appreciated...
thanks in advance
FYI...I got around the problem...i created formulas for the data, then i used the formulas as the legend...then
when i prevfiew the report i changed the forumla name to the name that i needed, then after changin all the lengends, I clicked "apply changes to all charts"
then i save the report...
Thanks for the info...i was told by another perosn about that product...
have to investigate that...need to know if the user wants to spend money...
again thanks for the info
I was wondering if anyone has had the following problem;
I have cr2008 ver 12.1.3,, I also have xcelsius engage which is giving me fits when i want to print multiple pie charts..cr2008 apparently only prints the chart if you on on the current page that has the chart-will not print multiple...
I was wondering if anyone has the same problem and a possible fix as the following;
I have Cr2008/Xcelsius2008 I created a pie/column charts
exported the file to create a flash file. I embedded the the flash file into my cr2008 report. This flash file is located on page 1 of my report. The file...
Not sure if this is the correct forum for this.
I have CR2008 and Xcelsius Engage . I created a swf file within Xcelsius. I then went inot CR2008 amd embedded the swf into the report header setion of the report. I used
a cross-tabs to biond the data from CR2008 into my column chart. I can...
hanks...thanks for the info...that's what i was told also
last nite from Busioness Objects...
question i sent Businss Objects this last nite and I'm waiting to hear from them...do you know how to Unstalled the runtime sp1 ?.. or how I go about deleting the files
again thansk for the info
sorry taht was a miss print...i should have said..
no..didn't think that was necessary since i was able to install the evaluaiton copy under my login...NOT as administrator..
no..didn't think that was necessary since i was able to install the evaluaiton copy under my login...as administrator..
again ...thanks for all your help
regsvr32 -u "C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86\reportconvtool.dll"
thanks for the info...i tried the statement aove and got the following..
the specified module could not be found..
my statement was regsvr32 -u C:\reportconvtool.dll
which i guess tell me that it couold not be found..
thanks again...
question...i downloade the CR 2008 SP1 incremental as you suggested.. Everything worked fine...no problems..
however, My company went out and purchased the Cr2008 with Xcelsius Engae 2008 which make up[ the CR Visual Adantage
I was told to uninstall the evaluation copy and then install the...
I need help regarding installing CR2008/Visual Advantage. I had the evaluation copy of cr2008. My compnay purchased the CR2008 Visual Advantage. Upon calling customer service, I was told that I had to UN-install the CR2008 evaluation copy then install the CR2008. I did the unstall HOWEVER, when...
Here is a real novice question...
how does one execute a vb.exe form to include the
file name being passed to the vb.exe...
as i said this is a true novice question...i know how tio do it using VFP but not VB...
thanks again
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