What happens when I do startx is there is a lot of text output - X working out available screen res/monitor combinations etc, the screen goes black ( switching to graphics mode ? ) and thats it, no disk activity - no Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, no Ctrl-Alt-Delete nothing. I'll have a poke around the...
I'm currently trying to set up X to work on a Compaq Deskpro with Slakware 7. The machine has an S3 Trio64V2 graphics chip in it - trying Xfree 3.3.6. The only X server<br>I can get to work reliably is vg16. According to the docs it should be xs3 or xsvga. All that happens when X is started is a...
In the report Sorting and Grouping you should be able to select the field you require and then pick Ascending - you can do this for multiple fields so you can have sorted by date then by name.
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