Ok so it is the value inside the function that is used instead the function itselfs. Thanks!
If i would call again the "inputbox" function to have another folder to write on another work book how could i do that without "quiting" the macro?
Thank u for ure advises
Hello everyone.
Trying to pass a string valut from a function to a routine but i don't understand why not my value is not accepted by the procedure
Public Function UsrInput() As String
UserInput = InputBox("Path:")
End Function
Sub TestListFilesInFolder()
Workbooks.Add ' create a new...
Yes the references to the drawings (who are the same) are in a particular colum. And the page (+1) where the drawings must be merged are on the same row, but on another colum.
Thank u for interest in my case.
Actually on the main pdf, each page contains information, but the relevant information for me are the name of the other's pdf that i wanna merge.
So actuallly i have the main pdf that contains for example a information for example, in page 1 45-16-97-00001 and i...
Hi there!
HI have a principal pdf file. That pdf file contains many pages, and on each page there's a reference number. That reference number points to another pdf file. The others pdfs file's name ARE the reference number on the principal number.
So be more clear, u've got on the page 1 in the...
Sure, I wiil check the paper.
So, basically, my problem with the my combo boxes who won't fill data into the table is that i'm wrong with my database design? What would you change?
Thank you for ure advices.
Best regards
Hello gurus.
Quite new to acccess, would appreciate some assistance.
So here's what i want acomplish. Have 2 pairs of dependent dropdown lists and i try to put the users choice's on another table.
Here's my tables:
ID > AutoNumber & PK
CategoryName > Txt
ID > AutoNumber & PK...
Thanks a lot tep tips forum for the detailed FAQ :=)
Having just a little problem to insert the values from the combo boxes into the datbase...
All the others field from my form goes into the Db but not these two values...
Where must i check? A litlle assistance to a happy newbie?
Hi. I'm trying to search information to fill another field with a previous selection.
So to be more clear, i've got a table ElementsGroups and elements.
These tables are linked one-to-many relationship. The Elementsgroups is linked to another table (overhauling tasks). So how to have in the...
indeed i was not very clear. To make me understand the overhauling tasks are subjected to periods (one month tasks have opid 1, 2, 3, 45, 87 etc etc. 3 months another overhauling tasks, etc etc). Also, these overhauling tasks have differents overhauling locations (workshop tasks have tasks 1, 4...
Tanks for your advice Duane :)
I have evolueated the table, cause operations are also subjected to elements groups (hydraulic, pneumatic...), also these elements are subjected to frequency periods, and also to maintenance bodis (operator, technician, etc) and also overhauling places (workshop...
Hello everybody.
Actually quite newbie with access, i'm a litlle confucious with many to many relationship.
So in my case i have a table with various machines. These machines have many overhauling tasks. In the otherside, have the overhauling table table. These operations are (sometimes) the...
yes thank u!
ive replaced the code between the DIV tag for
<img src="<?php echo "a href='../images/{$rows['imagem_nome']}'
<img src='../images/{$rows['imagem_nome']}' border='0'
width='100' height='80'></a>" ?>
works, no error on...
...tables to fix displayed queries, seems it is much more flexible with css.
here some tries:
require_once ('mysqli_connect.php');
$q="SELECT * FROM imagens";
$result = @mysqli_query ($dbc, $q)
or die("Error: ".mysqli_error($dbc));
while ($rows = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
tried this multibox for choice one or more machines
Sub RunScript
For i = 0 to (MultiListbox.Options.Length - 1)
If (MultilistBox.Options(i).Selected) Then
strComputer = strComputer & MultilistBox.Options(i).Value & vbcrlf
End If
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