Hello Angel
Yes, please ...
Well, I don't know if I will be able to implement this kind of solution since I need to 'share' several tables...
So another solution is to simply put everything in the same database.
Thanks in advance for your code
I use one SQL database (caleed Db1) with a table called 'UnitData'.This table have a field called 'UnitId'
I would like to use the table 'UnitData' in a second database (called Db2) to enforce relationship inside this second db.
I create the following script to build a table that would use...
Thanks for your reply.
In fact, I use the import feature of the database (right-click on the db name to get it) because I'm also interested of getting the data (all those tables are heavily populated ..)
I import sevral tables from a SQL Db to another SQL DB.
During this immport, I loose all the constraints !!!!
Two questions:
- Is it possible to import tables with the CONSTRAINT ?
- If not, how could I use ALTER Table to Add COnstraint to the required column. I looked at the doc but I...
Suppose a int variable and a pointer to it:
int nData = 2;
int* pnData = &nData;
Change the value as:
*pnData = 10;
Suppose you pass a pointer to a int in a function as:
void TestFunction( int* pnData)
To set up a variable in this function, use
*pnData = 5;
Suppose you add a small bitmap to your app resources
You need to override OnEraseBkgnd
Here is the code to tile a bmp in a dialog box:
BOOL CAboutDlg::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
CDC dc;
CBitmap bmbkg;
// Get Client Size
CRect rc;
GetClientRect( &rc)...
I guess you need to update the directories for the executables in the menu 'Tools | Options' and then the tab 'Directories' and the Combo 'Executable ..."
Well, it drives me mad, as it looks like the code I used hundred of times but I finally found a way to do it ... while not really understanding and now it's working and wky it was not working
Simply redefined your mask for the subitem as
item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE;
and do not...
I suppose you are using MFC ...
First, derive a class from CCommandLineInfo
Then override the function ParseParam. Here is an example thazt check for DEBUG parameter and also store the last command line parameter in the variable m_strFile
void CFooCommandLineInfo::ParseParam( const char*...
If cost is not a problem, I would suggest you to use Microsoft SQL and ADO. It's fast, stable and quite easy to program with. Furthermore, it's THE database standard for industrial and professonal use. Ok, there are some others at least as good, but, AFAIK, more expensive.
I'm using a SQL...
There are several ways to do this... Perhaps the easier is to put an other button 'Import'. Clicking on this button would start the Db import. Then the 'Ok' button would be used to close the dialog box ...
An other possiblity is to put the import code into the handler of the Ok button.
- Add a ListBox to your dialog box
- Modify its properties: in the 'Style' tab, select 'Owner Draw' as fixed and check 'Has Strings'
- Use class wizard to build a variable for the Listbox. Say you call it m_List
- Modify the m_List declaration like this:
CCheckListBox m_List;
- Add some...
In the override of OnDraw, add this code:
void CFooView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
CTestcolorDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
CRect rcInvalid;
// Redraw Only Invalidated Area
pDC->GetClipBox( rcInvalid);
// Paint Background
CBrush brush...
I guess you don't want user to edit text in the combobox.
To get this, right-click on combobox, select 'Properties',
select the tab 'Style' and the Combo (-:)) 'Type' and select 'Drop List'
declare in your application implementation file (FooApp.cpp) the global variable as this (as an example):
int m_nGlobalVar;
In the interface files that needs to reach the variable, add the following line, outise any class definition:
extern int m_globalVar;
BTW, avoid as much as you can...
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