I think I have managed to get it working. I set the memory voltage to 2.0 and upped the timings to 5-5-5-15 dropped the MHz from 800 to 667 set it to unlinked. Once I did this it booted first time and been running fine so far.
I have just bought an extra 2GB of Geil DDR2 RAM to upgrade to 4gb, but I am unable to boot until Vista x64 Ulitmate with all 4 sticks, I can boot into windows using 3GB or 2GB RAM and also either stick in any combination.
Has anybody had any similar issues and found a way arount the problem...
I have been asked to create a report that displays a line graph, but after much banging head on desk, I still cannot work out how to display the graph correctly. I have a database with the following columns names year2a, year3a, year4a, year5a, year2bq, year3bq, year4bq, year5bq etc. Each...
Sorry if this has already been asked had a quick look and coudn't find anything.
I am preparing to take the SQL Server 2005 exam (70-431) within the next month and was looking for some good practice exams. I have been advised by a collegue to use transenders, but I have noticed Microsoft...
We have been assigned the task of creating a report with trends in it. We have no experience of SSRS. We would like to display an image depending on the trend of two data fields, calculated differently by using a marker in another field.
if field 1 = "lower" and field 2 > field3 then...
Hope some one can help.
I was advised by a friend to run vmware server instead of virtual pc. I am looking at buying a new pc so I can continue with my Microsoft Certs using virtual machines Virtual PC require Vista Ultimate to run, I was hoping VMware could be an alternative to reduce costs...
Thanks for the advice.
The PSU's I was looking at were either the Enermax Infiniti 650W or the Corsair HX 620W. After reading a few posts I want to make sure I get a quality power supply, a bit concerned with PSU taking out other components.
I am looking at building a new PC rather than buying another Dell, as I was thinking you can upgrade gradually instead of buying everything at once in future.
I have a rough spec of a build but I'm a little unsure of what cooling I will need, to provide the best cooling, noise levels and also...
I am new to actuate and I'm having a few difficulties.
Does anybody know of a way of adding either a before frames after a conditional frame. Or if you can add a label/text box and only have it display once as a title. I have data that needs to be displayed in sections but there may...
I'm taking the 70-270 exam next week, does anyone know if there are simulations in this exam now. Also are there any things to look out for, the last exam I passed was the 70-290 exam which I took over a year ago now.
The Solution is to force Kerberos to use TCP instead of UDP. MS KB article 244474
I have detailed the steps below. I hope this helps.
1. Start Registry Editor.
2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\ Kerberos\Parameters...
Hi, I have a strange problem with Windows XP. Here is the setup:
Windows 2003 domain, XP Clients.
Outlook in cached mode, My documents redirected to their home drive and synchronizing at logon and logoff.
Remote users have ADSL / Broadband and connect to the office using SonicWall VPN Client...
One of our users is unable to open a shared contact, they amended recently. They receive an error message stating the there is not enough memory to open the contact. The strange thing is that other users are able to open this contact. I thought the probelm was that the amount of address that...
Hi, please could someone help, as I am new to this.
I am looking at implementing a SAN or NAS solution. I have 2 database servers, 1 Exchange server, 1 KVS server and a file server. We also have 4 other servers but they don't need to share storage.
1. Am I able to implement a NAS device and...
I am unable to log into the protectionpilot console. It says to unable to connect to server 1.check login credentials 2. check network 3. check server is running. I have checked all these and everything is fine. The only change's that have been made to the server was IIS and ISA to enable...
One user has reported that email receipt is being delayed, he will not have any emails in his mailbox but then 5 or 6 will appear at once with varied delivery times. The delay can be between 20 to 30 minutes. He is using windows XP with Netware Client 4.9 GroupWise client 5.5 release 5571...
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