I'm at a loss, unless there is some way to set the GLOBAL_KEY somewhere... perhaps in the application.resource file?
Check out Ted Husted's page:
Try Tip #17 and see if that works for you and move on from there?
The only...
Future tip: use the code [] tags please. Thanks.
<html:select name="ann" property="visible" value="val(VISIBLE)" size="1"><html:option value="true">Yes</html:option><html:option value="false">No</html:option></html:select></td>
If this is the combo box you are refering to, I'm not sure what...
what happens when you take message="true" out?
message By default the tag will retrieve the bean it will iterate over from the Globals.ERROR_KEY constant string, but if this attribute is set to 'true' the bean will be retrieved from the Globals.MESSAGE_KEY constant string. Also if this is...
this link may help you out. This person was having the same problem you describe.
Let me know if that doesn't solve the issue and I can dig more stuff up.
Author: Timur12345 Sep 6, 2004 5:50 AM (reply 8 of 12) After adding "ORACLE_HOME/lib32" to the java.library.path that error dissapear! But now I have another error!
googled it.
Ted Husted answered this question here:
It should set you in the right direction rather than me reading all the information and trying to tell you how. If that doesn't help you, google the title of the thread you created, you get a good number of...
what if you do this:
<html:link action="/home"/>Home</html:link>
It should then look for http://www.domain.com/home.do
instead of http://www.domain.com/app/home.do
Let me know if that doesn't work and we can try figure something else out. No Idea why it would put in a double //
Not sure if I have a concrete answer for you, but I would look here:
<set-property property="pathnames" value="/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml,/WEB-INF/validation.xml"/>
To me, that error is saying it can't find it at all. I would fiddle with the /'s
but I just dug up on a few websites on google...
request.setAttribute("messageList", aMsgList);
System.out.println("Before for loop. Size =" +aMsgList.size());
<li> <A href="inboxMsg.do?Id=<%=i%>"><%=aTaskId%><%=aTaskMsg%></A></li>
Could you show us how you are defining aMsgList please?
How can I recover the current page of my action in my principal.jsp without set parameter or attribute of each action.
Could you expand what you mean a little more here?
Are you referring to how do you tell which page called the action? Or which action set up the page?
If you're really...
Somewhere there you need depends="required, date"
I think that's how it goes, but if what I'm reading is, if they leave the date area blank it should pitch an error.
Somewhere you need to add the required flag.
Could you give us a little more information? Types and brands of all your system components?
Vid Card
Sound Card (have one?)
Any other cards in the computer.
and not <> </>
Taking a guess, I would say that your locale variable is set to true and it's looking application.resources for en_US.Invalid.
Can't help you on the rest, I use <html:errors/> It's faster and easier although less robust.
Q: What are Context XML declarations?
A: web.xml, struts-config.xml, tells Tomcat how everything is linked together and what dependancies are defined (that's my understanding of it anyway).
Q: What are expanded web applications?
A: While I'm not sure about .jar's, I know .war and .ear files...
...lines are getting chopped up and the 'Indexes' are not being put back in.
Back to original order--->
Actualiza porDatosSD125SD9,08SD4-78SD147
Your code comes back on three lines because the \n is being parsed as a newline character, I would imagine that you...
Visual Editor is not the only one out there either. I have Jigloo and Designer, I only use them these days for creating the initial projects and importing a bunch of libraries then I switch back over to myEclipse, but I'm still trying to learn the SWT and JFace packages which accounts for the...
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