Hi there!
I'm facing this problem...
I'm working in a project which needs that one action mapping defined in the struts-config be able to handle several form-beans. I mean...
I will call the same action in the struts-config.xml fronm different jsp, each one of them will have their own form-bean associated beacause I always use html:forms to move within the flow.
Until now I have seen that when I define an action mapping in the struts-config.xml, there's a field called "name" where I have to specify the form-bean(actually ActionForm) this action will deal with.
Since I will call this action from several jsp with different form-beans associated, I cannot specify only one form-bean...
If anybody understood what I've just said (I know my english is very poor), is there any chance to solve my problem???
Thank you all
I'm facing this problem...
I'm working in a project which needs that one action mapping defined in the struts-config be able to handle several form-beans. I mean...
I will call the same action in the struts-config.xml fronm different jsp, each one of them will have their own form-bean associated beacause I always use html:forms to move within the flow.
Until now I have seen that when I define an action mapping in the struts-config.xml, there's a field called "name" where I have to specify the form-bean(actually ActionForm) this action will deal with.
Since I will call this action from several jsp with different form-beans associated, I cannot specify only one form-bean...
If anybody understood what I've just said (I know my english is very poor), is there any chance to solve my problem???
Thank you all