I've found a section on which i dont understand:
* The Context XML declarations will be deployed first
* Expanded web applications not referenced by Context XML declarations will then be deployed; if they have an associated .WAR file and it is newer than the expanded web application, the expanded directory will be removed and the webapp will be redeployed from the .WAR
* .WAR files will be deployed
What are Contenxt XML declarations?
What are expanded web applications?
I'm asking because I was searching if it was possible to hava a .war file inside another .war file, or somehow have a .war file depend on another .war file (upon deployment).
Could you help me or reference me to a place where I can find an answer?
I've found a section on which i dont understand:
* The Context XML declarations will be deployed first
* Expanded web applications not referenced by Context XML declarations will then be deployed; if they have an associated .WAR file and it is newer than the expanded web application, the expanded directory will be removed and the webapp will be redeployed from the .WAR
* .WAR files will be deployed
What are Contenxt XML declarations?
What are expanded web applications?
I'm asking because I was searching if it was possible to hava a .war file inside another .war file, or somehow have a .war file depend on another .war file (upon deployment).
Could you help me or reference me to a place where I can find an answer?