Hello, I have a InReach iTouch series terminal server that no one knows the password to. Does anyone know how to factory reset or recover the password on one of these boxes?
I called the company - MRV, but then couldn't help, they say the box is too old.
Model: IR-MGRM-102AC
Heres what it...
Chirkware, thanks, I the SW1 pads are on the board, and I had a feeling they need to be shorted out somehow, just didn't think to do it while the powering up. Makes sense though, I will try that any let you know how it goes.
I've replaced the batteries in my smartcell packs, but my matrix 3000 continues to state that the packs are bad.
The red light on the front of the smartcell will not turn off. They are not bad batteries.
The batteries are the smaller type, (motorcycle size) not the car size batteries...
Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU.
I am truly in debt to you both. I used Bobs formula, bdreed, I think you misunderstood my post a little bit, the 40 minutes was not a static number, just an example...when i pluged it in, i got "40 minutes" for all my records...even so, I really appreciate the...
CR V8.5, Does anyone know how to take this string and convert it to minutes?
The strings will vary:
Examples of possible data:
1. 3 days, 2 hours, 40 minutes
2. 2 hours, 40 minutes
3. 40 minutes
I'd like to convert each one down to minutes.
Any help is much appreciated, as I've...
Hi Jim,
copy tftp run
I feel retarded asking this but....
Isnt' copy tftp run suppost to overwrite the existing running-config?
Ok, so I have a very basic startup config on all of the routers that I want to keep. . I've copied this to tftp. Lets call this ConfigA.
Tonight, I changed the...
2 more lines of RouterB#^@ after each one...
RouterB#show clock^@
18:35:13.739 UTC Thu Aug 25 2005
RouterB#show clock^@
18:35:14.811 UTC Thu Aug 25 2005
When I connect to a cisco 2501 with hyperterminal I get this when I use the UP arrow. What ever command I typed last, runs.
Hyper terminal settings:
bits per second: 9600
data bits: 8
parity: none
stop bits: 1
flow control: none
Does anyone know how to replace the contents of 1 column of a table?
I've figured out how to dump the entire table to a file using:
mysql> SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/filename.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' FROM TableName;
and how to load the entire table back in using:
mysql> load...
I knew it had something to do with reseting "Elements"!
I was just trying to reset it somewhere after completing the first formula....(just stabbing in the dark.)
From //@DisplaySecond10:
Upper := 20;
Elements := 10;))
Upper := 0;
Not sure if this was...
Hi Dave, Thanks alot.
I've been testing this and I have a few questions.
When I go further on extending these forumlas ie: 20-30, 30-40 and so on, I need to repeat the formulas in the same order each time, right?
Example: formula 1, formula 2, formula 1, formula 2 etc...
(while just changing...
Hi Vidru.
I have a problem.
If I have too many strings that are different, the number of characters resulting from @DisplayResults is over 254.
The formula @DisplayResults dies at 254 characters.
Any Ideas?
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