Does anyone know how to replace the contents of 1 column of a table?
I've figured out how to dump the entire table to a file using:
mysql> SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/filename.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' FROM TableName;
and how to load the entire table back in using:
mysql> load data infile '/tmp/filename.txt' into table TableName;
but I'm only want to manipulate 1 column of data.
Basically, I want to copy the data from 1 column, and paste it into a different column.
I'm new to mysql, and I've been looking through the mysql reference manual all day, and it's making my brain hurt because I don't always understand the syntax of the manual....
I'm using mysql 4.0.21
Andy T
Does anyone know how to replace the contents of 1 column of a table?
I've figured out how to dump the entire table to a file using:
mysql> SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/filename.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' FROM TableName;
and how to load the entire table back in using:
mysql> load data infile '/tmp/filename.txt' into table TableName;
but I'm only want to manipulate 1 column of data.
Basically, I want to copy the data from 1 column, and paste it into a different column.
I'm new to mysql, and I've been looking through the mysql reference manual all day, and it's making my brain hurt because I don't always understand the syntax of the manual....
I'm using mysql 4.0.21
Andy T