Most commercial registrars who offer dns hosting with their domain offers this. In most cases it's offered as an a record marked as @ this would be all sub domain names that are not specifically named in other name, or cname records.
I just checked GoDaddy and they do offer this in their...
...E0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0](downstream)
So if we aggregate the upstream (adding up all the bits)
=90 * 4000(hz) = 360,000 or 360kbits.
and if we aggregate the downstream
=324 * 4000(hz) = 1,296,200 or 1.296mbits.
Keep in mind that this number...
This senario is setting the default route by setting next hop based on the route map by ip segment so there is no need for a static route per se. Remove the route map from the serial interfaces as you do not need them. At that point any address matched by the acl should activate the next hop...
You can set up a route map that is processed on the inside interface.
Lets say you have subnet a.a.a.a
your server you want to split the route for is a.a.a.100 of that subnet.
the default gateway is b.b.b.1 for killstream
the default gateway is c.c.c.1 for eps
assume the router has a route...
Timing only affects the physical T1 it is associated with so timing is probably not the issue. I had a similar problem on a 3640 with a hssi port. The eventual solution was to replace the IOS on it (no one could explain why it was doing what it was doing). We moved it to a new version of IOS...
In Microsoft Windows 2000 Terminal Services you can redirect clients local printers when they log on to a Terminal Services session with the Microsoft RDP 5 Terminal Services client. The redirection of local printers is a default behavior. When clients connect to a Terminal Services session and...
Uh, no. POP3 is a client protocol. A client can use it to attach to a POP3 server to download mail to a local mailbox. The MX or Mail Exchange record is the pointer for SMTP to direct mail to be transferred to an SMTP server via an established internet domain. If you have inbound mail via...
No connector, POP3 is one of the natively supported protocols in Exchange. If you install Exchange, it can deliver mail via pop3 to clients out of the box.
You need to make sure the member server has access to the domain sam database. Make sure it's simply not a member of a workgroup by the same name as the domain. It needs to be added to the domain as a true member server. I've installed Exchange 5.5 on Win2k on a member server so I do know it...
I've used Veritas Remote Storage for Exchange. It's a hiarchial storage software for Exchange which puts unused portions of the message store out to a hiarchial storage device...tape or whatever. If someone selects the data that is in the archive, it will request access to the storage medium...
Open up Exchange, go to tools, Options, mail services (or servers, it's the second tab on the left). Go to the bottom and select, "Rconfigure Mail Support". When you restart outlook it will allow you to add the Exchange component that you are missing. Once that's done, you can then...
You CAN set up individual organizations but that requires you to seperate out the message stores and is a ton of work. The outline above essentially stores everyone in a common organization and has IMS do the routing to individual mailboxes based on their smtp addresses listed in their...
IMS can be set to accept multiple domains and multiple MX records can point the IMS.
IMS routing can accept many inbound domains and by assigning the proper SMTP addresses to the users, you can effectivly host many internet domains on one exchange server.
So lets lay out an example:
This is a problem with the NTFS permisions to the exchsrv directory. When Exchange is setup, full control to the exchsrvr directory is assigned to the Everyone group. If the Everyone group rights are modified for this directory and or subdirectories, services will fail to start properly. To...
If your firewall supports it, you can usually filter out "harmfull" attachments there instead. I've finally had to allow no inbound executables as attachments due to users always clicking on an attachment regardless where it comes from.
Nope, this should not be a problem. Changing the IP address would only affect how wins sees the box but it would not prevent you from seeing it at the IP level. Looks like a problem with connectivity or the firewall.
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