I come from interpreted language programming so bear with me :)
Is it posible for a C program to use one or another GUI toolkit present in the system ? e.g. if there's TK use it, if not: if there's GTK use it, if not: etc.
So, on a tcl/tk port for DOS ( e.g. http://www.wagner.pp.ru/~vitus/software/tcl/tcldos.html ) a script is to be run from Windows, not straight from DOS command line ?
If you mean you didn't find a Tcl/Tk distribution for Solaris, you may try tclkit: http://www.patthoyts.tk/tclkit/
Wish is an application for testing how Tcl works, you don't actually need it to write Tcl scripts.
Thanks for replying :) It's quite the opposite, I need the keys to readjust themselves like list indices do, so if you delete key x then key x+1 becomes key x, and key x+2 becomes key x+1, etc.
With lists, when you delete one element the indices are rearranged, e.g. deleting "zero" from "zero one two" gives lindex 0 = "one". Is that possible with [dict create 0 "zero" 1 "one" ...] ? ( something like PHP's array_splice )
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